Bus direction




I have interfaced a USB2.0 chip to a CPLD. The CPLD also has an 19 bit
counter. At the powerup, CPLD sometimes reset 19 bit counter and
sometimes do not reset its 19 bit counter. when I removed the USB bus
then CPLD resets its 19 bit counter perfectly.

Please advice to remove this problem.

ALuPin@web.de wrote:
Some code ?
here is the sequential code:

process (reset,...other inputs...)
if (reset = '1') then --asynchronous reset
count_out <= (others => '0');
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then --rising edge
if (sync_reset = '1') then --synchronous reset
count_out <= (others => '0');
-- ur counter logic --
end if;
end if;
end process;

Thanks for ur reply! The problem is that I do not have "synch_reset"
pin in my design. I posted my code under topic "Initialization" at VHDL
group. would u please take a look at it! would you advice to include
this signal as an external pin or a signal controlled by the state
My code is given below

Entity DPR is

port (

Data_Bus :eek:ut unsigned (13 downto 0 );
Address_bus : inout unsigned (18 downto 0 );
Read_write: out std_logic;
Output_Enable : out std_logic;
DPR_CLK : in std_logic;
CE0: out std_logic;
CE1 :eek:ut std_logic;
LBL :eek:ut std_logic;
UBL out std_logic;
USB_Data :in unsigned (7 downto 0 );
USB_CLK :in std_logic;
output_signal : out std_logic;
ZZL: out std_logic:='0';
SEML: out std_logic:='1';
OPTL : in std_logic;
Async_RESET: in std_logic

End DPR;

Architecture DPR_ARCH of DPR IS

signal State2: unsigned(1 downto 0);
signal nextstate2: unsigned(1 downto 0);

constant G0 : unsigned(1 downto 0):="00";
constant G1 unsigned(1 downto 0):="01";
constant G2 : unsigned(1 downto 0):="10";
constant G3 : unsigned(1 downto 0):="11";

Signal inc: std_logic;
Signal Reset_A: std_logic;
Signal State1,nextstate1: integer := 0;
Signal sec_stop: std_logic;
Signal sec_counter: unsigned ( 18 downto 0);


output_signal <= sec_stop;
CE0 <= '0';
CE1 <= '1';
Output_Enable <= '1';
Read_write <= '0';
Address_bus <= sec_counter;

Process (State2 )

Case State2 is

When G0=>
inc <='0';
Data_Bus ( 13 downto 8) <= USB_Data ( 5 downto 0 );
UBL <='0'; --1 old value
LBL <='0'; --0 0ld value

nextstate2 <=G1;

When G1 =>
inc <='0';
Data_Bus ( 7 downto 0) <= USB_Data ( 7 downto 0 );
UBL <='0'; --0 old value
LBL <='0'; --1 old value

nextstate2 <=G2;

When G2 =>
inc <='1';
Data_Bus ( 13 downto 8) <= USB_Data ( 5 downto 0 );
UBL <='0';
LBL <='0';
nextstate2 <=G3;

When G3 =>
inc <='0';
Data_Bus ( 7 downto 0) <= USB_Data ( 7 downto 0 );
UBL <='0';
LBL <='0';

nextstate2 <=G2;
When others =>

nextstate2 <=G0;

End case;
End Process;

Process (USB_CLK ,Async_RESET)

If ( Async_RESET = '0') Then

sec_counter <= "0000000000000000000";
State2 <= G0;

Else If (USB_CLK 'Event And USB_CLK = '0') Then

State2 <= nextstate2;

If ( sec_counter (18)='0' and sec_counter(17)='0' and
sec_counter(16)='0' and sec_counter(15)='0' and
sec_counter(14)='0' and sec_counter(13)='1' and
sec_counter(12)='0' and sec_counter(11)='0' and
sec_counter(10)='1' and sec_counter(9)= '0' and sec_counter(8)=

'0' and sec_counter(7)='0' and sec_counter (6) ='0' and
sec_counter(5)= '1' and sec_counter(4)='0' and
sec_counter(3)= '0' and sec_counter(2)= '0' and
sec_counter(1)='0' and sec_counter(0)= '0')

sec_stop <= '1';
State2 <= G0;

sec_stop <= '0';

End If;

If (inc = '1' AND sec_stop = '0' ) Then

sec_counter <= sec_counter + 1 ;

End If;

End If;

If ( USB_CLK 'Event And USB_CLK = '0')Then

If ( sec_stop= '1' ) Then

sec_counter <= "0000000000000000000";


End If;

End If;

End If;

End Process;


vizziee@gmail.com wrote:
ALuPin@web.de wrote:
Some code ?
here is the sequential code:

process (reset,...other inputs...)
if (reset = '1') then --asynchronous reset
count_out <= (others => '0');
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then --rising edge
if (sync_reset = '1') then --synchronous reset
count_out <= (others => '0');
-- ur counter logic --
end if;
end if;
end process;
john wrote:

Thanks for ur reply! The problem is that I do not have "synch_reset"
pin in my design. I posted my code under topic "Initialization" at VHDL
group. would u please take a look at it! would you advice to include
this signal as an external pin or a signal controlled by the state
My code is given below

Entity DPR is

port (

Data_Bus :eek:ut unsigned (13 downto 0 );
Address_bus : inout unsigned (18 downto 0 );
Read_write: out std_logic;
Output_Enable : out std_logic;
DPR_CLK : in std_logic;
CE0: out std_logic;
CE1 :eek:ut std_logic;
LBL :eek:ut std_logic;
UBL out std_logic;
USB_Data :in unsigned (7 downto 0 );
USB_CLK :in std_logic;
output_signal : out std_logic;
ZZL: out std_logic:='0';
SEML: out std_logic:='1';
OPTL : in std_logic;
Async_RESET: in std_logic

End DPR;

Architecture DPR_ARCH of DPR IS

signal State2: unsigned(1 downto 0);
signal nextstate2: unsigned(1 downto 0);

constant G0 : unsigned(1 downto 0):="00";
constant G1 unsigned(1 downto 0):="01";
constant G2 : unsigned(1 downto 0):="10";
constant G3 : unsigned(1 downto 0):="11";

Signal inc: std_logic;
Signal Reset_A: std_logic;
Signal State1,nextstate1: integer := 0;
Signal sec_stop: std_logic;
Signal sec_counter: unsigned ( 18 downto 0);


output_signal <= sec_stop;
CE0 <= '0';
CE1 <= '1';
Output_Enable <= '1';
Read_write <= '0';
Address_bus <= sec_counter;

Process (State2 )

Case State2 is

When G0=
inc <='0';
Data_Bus ( 13 downto 8) <= USB_Data ( 5 downto 0 );
UBL <='0'; --1 old value
LBL <='0'; --0 0ld value

nextstate2 <=G1;

When G1 =
inc <='0';
Data_Bus ( 7 downto 0) <= USB_Data ( 7 downto 0 );
UBL <='0'; --0 old value
LBL <='0'; --1 old value

nextstate2 <=G2;

When G2 =
inc <='1';
Data_Bus ( 13 downto 8) <= USB_Data ( 5 downto 0 );
UBL <='0';
LBL <='0';
nextstate2 <=G3;

When G3 =
inc <='0';
Data_Bus ( 7 downto 0) <= USB_Data ( 7 downto 0 );
UBL <='0';
LBL <='0';

nextstate2 <=G2;
When others =

nextstate2 <=G0;

End case;
End Process;

Process (USB_CLK ,Async_RESET)

If ( Async_RESET = '0') Then

sec_counter <= "0000000000000000000";
State2 <= G0;

Else If (USB_CLK 'Event And USB_CLK = '0') Then

State2 <= nextstate2;

If ( sec_counter (18)='0' and sec_counter(17)='0' and
sec_counter(16)='0' and sec_counter(15)='0' and
sec_counter(14)='0' and sec_counter(13)='1' and
sec_counter(12)='0' and sec_counter(11)='0' and
sec_counter(10)='1' and sec_counter(9)= '0' and sec_counter(8)=

'0' and sec_counter(7)='0' and sec_counter (6) ='0' and
sec_counter(5)= '1' and sec_counter(4)='0' and
sec_counter(3)= '0' and sec_counter(2)= '0' and
sec_counter(1)='0' and sec_counter(0)= '0')

sec_stop <= '1';
State2 <= G0;

sec_stop <= '0';

End If;

If (inc = '1' AND sec_stop = '0' ) Then

sec_counter <= sec_counter + 1 ;

End If;

End If;

If ( USB_CLK 'Event And USB_CLK = '0')Then

If ( sec_stop= '1' ) Then

sec_counter <= "0000000000000000000";


End If;

End If;

End If;

End Process;


vizziee@gmail.com wrote:
ALuPin@web.de wrote:
Some code ?
here is the sequential code:

process (reset,...other inputs...)
if (reset = '1') then --asynchronous reset
count_out <= (others => '0');
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then --rising edge
if (sync_reset = '1') then --synchronous reset
count_out <= (others => '0');
-- ur counter logic --
end if;
end if;
end process;
john wrote:
john wrote:

Thanks for ur reply! The problem is that I do not have "synch_reset"
pin in my design. I posted my code under topic "Initialization" at VHDL
group. would u please take a look at it! would you advice to include
this signal as an external pin or a signal controlled by the state
My code is given below

Entity DPR is

port (

Data_Bus :eek:ut unsigned (13 downto 0 );
Address_bus : inout unsigned (18 downto 0 );
Read_write: out std_logic;
Output_Enable : out std_logic;
DPR_CLK : in std_logic;
CE0: out std_logic;
CE1 :eek:ut std_logic;
LBL :eek:ut std_logic;
UBL out std_logic;
USB_Data :in unsigned (7 downto 0 );
USB_CLK :in std_logic;
output_signal : out std_logic;
ZZL: out std_logic:='0';
SEML: out std_logic:='1';
OPTL : in std_logic;
Async_RESET: in std_logic

End DPR;

Architecture DPR_ARCH of DPR IS

signal State2: unsigned(1 downto 0);
signal nextstate2: unsigned(1 downto 0);

constant G0 : unsigned(1 downto 0):="00";
constant G1 unsigned(1 downto 0):="01";
constant G2 : unsigned(1 downto 0):="10";
constant G3 : unsigned(1 downto 0):="11";

Signal inc: std_logic;
Signal Reset_A: std_logic;
Signal State1,nextstate1: integer := 0;
Signal sec_stop: std_logic;
Signal sec_counter: unsigned ( 18 downto 0);


output_signal <= sec_stop;
CE0 <= '0';
CE1 <= '1';
Output_Enable <= '1';
Read_write <= '0';
Address_bus <= sec_counter;

Process (State2 )

Case State2 is

When G0=
inc <='0';
Data_Bus ( 13 downto 8) <= USB_Data ( 5 downto 0 );
UBL <='0'; --1 old value
LBL <='0'; --0 0ld value

nextstate2 <=G1;

When G1 =
inc <='0';
Data_Bus ( 7 downto 0) <= USB_Data ( 7 downto 0 );
UBL <='0'; --0 old value
LBL <='0'; --1 old value

nextstate2 <=G2;

When G2 =
inc <='1';
Data_Bus ( 13 downto 8) <= USB_Data ( 5 downto 0 );
UBL <='0';
LBL <='0';
nextstate2 <=G3;

When G3 =
inc <='0';
Data_Bus ( 7 downto 0) <= USB_Data ( 7 downto 0 );
UBL <='0';
LBL <='0';

nextstate2 <=G2;
When others =

nextstate2 <=G0;

End case;
End Process;

Process (USB_CLK ,Async_RESET)

If ( Async_RESET = '0') Then

sec_counter <= "0000000000000000000";
State2 <= G0;

Else If (USB_CLK 'Event And USB_CLK = '0') Then

State2 <= nextstate2;

If ( sec_counter (18)='0' and sec_counter(17)='0' and
sec_counter(16)='0' and sec_counter(15)='0' and
sec_counter(14)='0' and sec_counter(13)='1' and
sec_counter(12)='0' and sec_counter(11)='0' and
sec_counter(10)='1' and sec_counter(9)= '0' and sec_counter(8)=

'0' and sec_counter(7)='0' and sec_counter (6) ='0' and
sec_counter(5)= '1' and sec_counter(4)='0' and
sec_counter(3)= '0' and sec_counter(2)= '0' and
sec_counter(1)='0' and sec_counter(0)= '0')

sec_stop <= '1';
State2 <= G0;

sec_stop <= '0';

End If;

If (inc = '1' AND sec_stop = '0' ) Then

sec_counter <= sec_counter + 1 ;

End If;

End If;

If ( USB_CLK 'Event And USB_CLK = '0')Then

If ( sec_stop= '1' ) Then

sec_counter <= "0000000000000000000";


End If;

End If;

End If;

End Process;


vizziee@gmail.com wrote:
ALuPin@web.de wrote:
Some code ?
here is the sequential code:

process (reset,...other inputs...)
if (reset = '1') then --asynchronous reset
count_out <= (others => '0');
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then --rising edge
if (sync_reset = '1') then --synchronous reset
count_out <= (others => '0');
-- ur counter logic --
end if;
end if;
end process;
john wrote:
john wrote:
john wrote:

Thanks for ur reply! The problem is that I do not have "synch_reset"
pin in my design. I posted my code under topic "Initialization" at VHDL
group. would u please take a look at it! would you advice to include
this signal as an external pin or a signal controlled by the state
My code is given below

Entity DPR is

port (

Data_Bus :eek:ut unsigned (13 downto 0 );
Address_bus : inout unsigned (18 downto 0 );
Read_write: out std_logic;
Output_Enable : out std_logic;
DPR_CLK : in std_logic;
CE0: out std_logic;
CE1 :eek:ut std_logic;
LBL :eek:ut std_logic;
UBL out std_logic;
USB_Data :in unsigned (7 downto 0 );
USB_CLK :in std_logic;
output_signal : out std_logic;
ZZL: out std_logic:='0';
SEML: out std_logic:='1';
OPTL : in std_logic;
Async_RESET: in std_logic

End DPR;

Architecture DPR_ARCH of DPR IS

signal State2: unsigned(1 downto 0);
signal nextstate2: unsigned(1 downto 0);

constant G0 : unsigned(1 downto 0):="00";
constant G1 unsigned(1 downto 0):="01";
constant G2 : unsigned(1 downto 0):="10";
constant G3 : unsigned(1 downto 0):="11";

Signal inc: std_logic;
Signal Reset_A: std_logic;
Signal State1,nextstate1: integer := 0;
Signal sec_stop: std_logic;
Signal sec_counter: unsigned ( 18 downto 0);


output_signal <= sec_stop;
CE0 <= '0';
CE1 <= '1';
Output_Enable <= '1';
Read_write <= '0';
Address_bus <= sec_counter;

Process (State2 )

Case State2 is

When G0=
inc <='0';
Data_Bus ( 13 downto 8) <= USB_Data ( 5 downto 0 );
UBL <='0'; --1 old value
LBL <='0'; --0 0ld value

nextstate2 <=G1;

When G1 =
inc <='0';
Data_Bus ( 7 downto 0) <= USB_Data ( 7 downto 0 );
UBL <='0'; --0 old value
LBL <='0'; --1 old value

nextstate2 <=G2;

When G2 =
inc <='1';
Data_Bus ( 13 downto 8) <= USB_Data ( 5 downto 0 );
UBL <='0';
LBL <='0';
nextstate2 <=G3;

When G3 =
inc <='0';
Data_Bus ( 7 downto 0) <= USB_Data ( 7 downto 0 );
UBL <='0';
LBL <='0';

nextstate2 <=G2;
When others =

nextstate2 <=G0;

End case;
End Process;

Process (USB_CLK ,Async_RESET)

If ( Async_RESET = '0') Then

sec_counter <= "0000000000000000000";
State2 <= G0;

Else If (USB_CLK 'Event And USB_CLK = '0') Then

State2 <= nextstate2;

If ( sec_counter (18)='0' and sec_counter(17)='0' and
sec_counter(16)='0' and sec_counter(15)='0' and
sec_counter(14)='0' and sec_counter(13)='1' and
sec_counter(12)='0' and sec_counter(11)='0' and
sec_counter(10)='1' and sec_counter(9)= '0' and sec_counter(8)=

'0' and sec_counter(7)='0' and sec_counter (6) ='0' and
sec_counter(5)= '1' and sec_counter(4)='0' and
sec_counter(3)= '0' and sec_counter(2)= '0' and
sec_counter(1)='0' and sec_counter(0)= '0')

sec_stop <= '1';
State2 <= G0;

sec_stop <= '0';

End If;

If (inc = '1' AND sec_stop = '0' ) Then

sec_counter <= sec_counter + 1 ;

End If;

End If;

If ( USB_CLK 'Event And USB_CLK = '0')Then

If ( sec_stop= '1' ) Then

sec_counter <= "0000000000000000000";


End If;

End If;

End If;

End Process;


vizziee@gmail.com wrote:
ALuPin@web.de wrote:
Some code ?
here is the sequential code:

process (reset,...other inputs...)
if (reset = '1') then --asynchronous reset
count_out <= (others => '0');
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then --rising edge
if (sync_reset = '1') then --synchronous reset
count_out <= (others => '0');
-- ur counter logic --
end if;
end if;
end process;
john wrote:
john wrote:
john wrote:
john wrote:

Thanks for ur reply! The problem is that I do not have "synch_reset"
pin in my design. I posted my code under topic "Initialization" at VHDL
group. would u please take a look at it! would you advice to include
this signal as an external pin or a signal controlled by the state
My code is given below

Entity DPR is

port (

Data_Bus :eek:ut unsigned (13 downto 0 );
Address_bus : inout unsigned (18 downto 0 );
Read_write: out std_logic;
Output_Enable : out std_logic;
DPR_CLK : in std_logic;
CE0: out std_logic;
CE1 :eek:ut std_logic;
LBL :eek:ut std_logic;
UBL out std_logic;
USB_Data :in unsigned (7 downto 0 );
USB_CLK :in std_logic;
output_signal : out std_logic;
ZZL: out std_logic:='0';
SEML: out std_logic:='1';
OPTL : in std_logic;
Async_RESET: in std_logic

End DPR;

Architecture DPR_ARCH of DPR IS

signal State2: unsigned(1 downto 0);
signal nextstate2: unsigned(1 downto 0);

constant G0 : unsigned(1 downto 0):="00";
constant G1 unsigned(1 downto 0):="01";
constant G2 : unsigned(1 downto 0):="10";
constant G3 : unsigned(1 downto 0):="11";

Signal inc: std_logic;
Signal Reset_A: std_logic;
Signal State1,nextstate1: integer := 0;
Signal sec_stop: std_logic;
Signal sec_counter: unsigned ( 18 downto 0);


output_signal <= sec_stop;
CE0 <= '0';
CE1 <= '1';
Output_Enable <= '1';
Read_write <= '0';
Address_bus <= sec_counter;

Process (State2 )

Case State2 is

When G0=
inc <='0';
Data_Bus ( 13 downto 8) <= USB_Data ( 5 downto 0 );
UBL <='0'; --1 old value
LBL <='0'; --0 0ld value

nextstate2 <=G1;

When G1 =
inc <='0';
Data_Bus ( 7 downto 0) <= USB_Data ( 7 downto 0 );
UBL <='0'; --0 old value
LBL <='0'; --1 old value

nextstate2 <=G2;

When G2 =
inc <='1';
Data_Bus ( 13 downto 8) <= USB_Data ( 5 downto 0 );
UBL <='0';
LBL <='0';
nextstate2 <=G3;

When G3 =
inc <='0';
Data_Bus ( 7 downto 0) <= USB_Data ( 7 downto 0 );
UBL <='0';
LBL <='0';

nextstate2 <=G2;
When others =

nextstate2 <=G0;

End case;
End Process;

Process (USB_CLK ,Async_RESET)

If ( Async_RESET = '0') Then

sec_counter <= "0000000000000000000";
State2 <= G0;

Else If (USB_CLK 'Event And USB_CLK = '0') Then

State2 <= nextstate2;

If ( sec_counter (18)='0' and sec_counter(17)='0' and
sec_counter(16)='0' and sec_counter(15)='0' and
sec_counter(14)='0' and sec_counter(13)='1' and
sec_counter(12)='0' and sec_counter(11)='0' and
sec_counter(10)='1' and sec_counter(9)= '0' and sec_counter(8)=

'0' and sec_counter(7)='0' and sec_counter (6) ='0' and
sec_counter(5)= '1' and sec_counter(4)='0' and
sec_counter(3)= '0' and sec_counter(2)= '0' and
sec_counter(1)='0' and sec_counter(0)= '0')

sec_stop <= '1';
State2 <= G0;

sec_stop <= '0';

End If;

If (inc = '1' AND sec_stop = '0' ) Then

sec_counter <= sec_counter + 1 ;

End If;

End If;

If ( USB_CLK 'Event And USB_CLK = '0')Then

If ( sec_stop= '1' ) Then

sec_counter <= "0000000000000000000";


End If;

End If;

End If;

End Process;


vizziee@gmail.com wrote:
ALuPin@web.de wrote:
Some code ?
here is the sequential code:

process (reset,...other inputs...)
if (reset = '1') then --asynchronous reset
count_out <= (others => '0');
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then --rising edge
if (sync_reset = '1') then --synchronous reset
count_out <= (others => '0');
-- ur counter logic --
end if;
end if;
end process;

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