Bulb the Size of a Bus Fuse



The front panel lights on a JVC R-X400 receiver are burned out, and I am
looking for a source. They are 12V and look like a standard buss fuse
(about 1" long x 1/4" in diameter). Anybody know of any good source for


On Mon, 01 Mar 2004 00:06:37 GMT "Don" <someone@somewhere.net> wrote:

The front panel lights on a JVC R-X400 receiver are burned out, and I am
looking for a source. They are 12V and look like a standard buss fuse
(about 1" long x 1/4" in diameter). Anybody know of any good source for
Buss is a brand, and they make fuses of many different sizes. I think
you're referring to the bulbs which are 1-1/4" long by 1/4" dia, which
are the 3AG size.

As to your question, I'm afraid I don't know the answer, but I'll
watch here in the hope that someone else does. Those bulbs were used
in a lot of amps in the 60s-70s, but I don't see them in any of
today's catalogs.

Jim Adney jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, WI 53711 USA

Someone over in sci.electronics.repair made an almost identical post to mine
at the same time. He was looking for bulbs for a Pioneer. Here is a post
he got. If you are looking for those type of bulbs, looks like there is a


glasnostJDC wrote:
Hello I'm in search of front display light bulb for a Pioneer SX-737
receiver, I'm looking for an exact replacement, I'm not going to alter
anything with in this receiver. It works perfect other than a darker spot
the display. There's a picture of the light bulb at:


Sorry for the quality, I was just taking a quick pic. The size is about 1
1/8" by 1/4" and is ratted 8 volts at 300 mA. Thanks for your help.

Bill M

"Jim Adney" <jadney@vwtype3.org> wrote in message
On Mon, 01 Mar 2004 00:06:37 GMT "Don" <someone@somewhere.net> wrote:

The front panel lights on a JVC R-X400 receiver are burned out, and I am
looking for a source. They are 12V and look like a standard buss fuse
(about 1" long x 1/4" in diameter). Anybody know of any good source for

Buss is a brand, and they make fuses of many different sizes. I think
you're referring to the bulbs which are 1-1/4" long by 1/4" dia, which
are the 3AG size.

As to your question, I'm afraid I don't know the answer, but I'll
watch here in the hope that someone else does. Those bulbs were used
in a lot of amps in the 60s-70s, but I don't see them in any of
today's catalogs.

Jim Adney jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, WI 53711 USA
Based on your response to my post, I did a google search on 3AG lamp and
found the following:


apparently these bulbs are 3AG in size (a fuse size) and sometimes called
fuse lamps. Might want to try "lamp" instead of "bulb" in a search also.

Your mileage may vary!


"Jim Adney" <jadney@vwtype3.org> wrote in message
On Mon, 01 Mar 2004 00:06:37 GMT "Don" <someone@somewhere.net> wrote:

The front panel lights on a JVC R-X400 receiver are burned out, and I am
looking for a source. They are 12V and look like a standard buss fuse
(about 1" long x 1/4" in diameter). Anybody know of any good source for

Buss is a brand, and they make fuses of many different sizes. I think
you're referring to the bulbs which are 1-1/4" long by 1/4" dia, which
are the 3AG size.

As to your question, I'm afraid I don't know the answer, but I'll
watch here in the hope that someone else does. Those bulbs were used
in a lot of amps in the 60s-70s, but I don't see them in any of
today's catalogs.

Jim Adney jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, WI 53711 USA
"Don" <someone@somewhere.net> wrote in message news:<h8v0c.27333$hm4.3412@newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net>...
The front panel lights on a JVC R-X400 receiver are burned out, and I am
looking for a source. They are 12V and look like a standard buss fuse
(about 1" long x 1/4" in diameter). Anybody know of any good source for



I have some of those bulbs. E-mail me if your interested.

Also if interested, My website is http://www3.telus.net/chemelec

Take care.......Gary
"Don" <someone@somewhere.net> wrote:
The front panel lights on a JVC R-X400 receiver are burned out, and I am
looking for a source. They are 12V and look like a standard buss fuse
(about 1" long x 1/4" in diameter). Anybody know of any good source for
bulbdirect.com might be able to help you...

William Smith
ComputerSmiths Consulting, Inc. www.compusmiths.com
"Don" <someone@somewhere.net> wrote
The front panel lights on a JVC R-X400 receiver are burned out, and I am
looking for a source. They are 12V and look like a standard buss fuse
(about 1" long x 1/4" in diameter). Anybody know of any good source for


Maybe strange, but some shop where they sell car parts? Those kind of bulbs
are also used in old cars. They are 12V....


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