built lirc receiver: not working (IR LED problems?)



Hello all,

i built the lirc receiver, but its not working, (winlirc doesn't give
any error, and not giving any response to remote control clicks).

i built it with the IR Led # 1838 (on it side written TK 1838)
[that's what i found in my usual electonics shop].

is the TK different than TSOP?
and for its pins, i guessed them as in the schematic.. i didn't find
its datasheet.

i got the 78L05 model ST (www.st.com).

what did i make wrong in all this :)
if i put wrong pins for IR led, what will happen? any damage to any
component from them, or motherboard itself?

Hope someone can help me.

groups@cometo.freeservers.com (NetSurferXP) wrote in message news:<51cb7eb4.0311040956.7f93a48f@posting.google.com>...
Hello all,

i built the lirc receiver, but its not working, (winlirc doesn't give
any error, and not giving any response to remote control clicks).

i built it with the IR Led # 1838 (on it side written TK 1838)
[that's what i found in my usual electonics shop].

is the TK different than TSOP?
and for its pins, i guessed them as in the schematic.. i didn't find
its datasheet.

i got the 78L05 model ST (www.st.com).

what did i make wrong in all this :)
if i put wrong pins for IR led, what will happen? any damage to any
component from them, or motherboard itself?

Hope someone can help me.

Ok, i found the datasheet for TK1838, its here:
http://www.bms.by:8101/products/russian_2002/msn_r.htm (Russian site)
(PDF Data sheet/Russian).

the english copy of the site doesn't have the datasheet for this IR
Led. but you can understand the pins at least (like me, as i don't
know russian either :)

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