What would be the easiest way to make a sine wave of about 12-13 volts
RMS, capabale of sourcing a heap of current? My knowledge of designing
circuits is extrememly limited, hence me asking such a simple
question, I'm afraid but I shouldnt have any trouble understanding a
description. I tried an inverter schematic from the internet. IT is
basically useless, innefficient, and has resulted in a wound to my
forehead and burned fingers from resistors.
ANy help would be appreciated
RMS, capabale of sourcing a heap of current? My knowledge of designing
circuits is extrememly limited, hence me asking such a simple
question, I'm afraid but I shouldnt have any trouble understanding a
description. I tried an inverter schematic from the internet. IT is
basically useless, innefficient, and has resulted in a wound to my
forehead and burned fingers from resistors.
ANy help would be appreciated