building a window alarm



Hello All,

I need to build an alarm that would make a noise (not necessarly
big, just enough to wake me up) if somebody went through a window in
another room. So I would need a detector on the window that is linked
by remote to a receiver in my bedroom. For the detector, I was
thinking about a light path but with the wind and curtains it may not
be a good idea. I think the best thing would be a device that would
detect if a small wire is broken.

I would like to use this project as an opportunity to get back into
playing with electronics, something I have not do since quite a while.

Have I underestimated the amount of work requested. Does anybody
have a pointer on what (and where) to check in order to build that
thing (website? Plans of circuit). Any pointer would be nice.

Thanks in advance.

btw if I am in the wrong group for this question please tell me where
I should put it. Thanks.
biner wrote:
Hello All,

I need to build an alarm that would make a noise (not necessarly
big, just enough to wake me up) if somebody went through a window in
another room. So I would need a detector on the window that is linked
by remote to a receiver in my bedroom. For the detector, I was
thinking about a light path but with the wind and curtains it may not
be a good idea. I think the best thing would be a device that would
detect if a small wire is broken.

I would like to use this project as an opportunity to get back into
playing with electronics, something I have not do since quite a while.

Have I underestimated the amount of work requested. Does anybody
have a pointer on what (and where) to check in order to build that
thing (website? Plans of circuit). Any pointer would be nice.

Thanks in advance.

btw if I am in the wrong group for this question please tell me where
I should put it. Thanks.
Have a look at

S2 could be a switch, a piece of wire, or a magnetically operated switch etc.
B1 could be in your bedroom. (biner) wrote:

Hello All,

I need to build an alarm that would make a noise (not necessarly
big, just enough to wake me up) if somebody went through a window in
another room. So I would need a detector on the window that is linked
by remote to a receiver in my bedroom. For the detector, I was
thinking about a light path but with the wind and curtains it may not
be a good idea. I think the best thing would be a device that would
detect if a small wire is broken.

I would like to use this project as an opportunity to get back into
playing with electronics, something I have not do since quite a while.

Have I underestimated the amount of work requested. Does anybody
have a pointer on what (and where) to check in order to build that
thing (website? Plans of circuit). Any pointer would be nice.
The detector (sensor) could be of various kinds, and you could have
your alarm operated if any of them was activated, or if a combination
of several of them were simultaneously activated. Possible sensors
could be:

- microswitch operated by window opening

- magnetic switch (reed switch in window surround activated when
flush-mounted magnet in window is moved)

- sound switch, filtered, in anticipation of window being broken

- interrupted light beam, using UV for extra reliability; with care,
the false alarms you're apprehensive about could probably be avoided.

- pressure mat under window

- proximity detector

As for communicating that activated sensor signal to your bedroom, why
are you apparently thinking about wireless or remote control? What's
wron with a pair of wires? OK, so you may have to drill a hole, or
route it under the carpet and out into the hall etc, but it is
reliable, simple and inexpensive.

You'll find hundreds of potentially relevant circuits and ideas using
'burglar alarm circuit' in a google search.

When you've narrowed it down a bit, come back for more specific help.

Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK
Terry Pinnell <> wrote:

The detector (sensor) could be of various kinds, and you could have
your alarm operated if any of them was activated, or if a combination
of several of them were simultaneously activated. Possible sensors
could be:

- microswitch operated by window opening

- magnetic switch (reed switch in window surround activated when
flush-mounted magnet in window is moved)

- sound switch, filtered, in anticipation of window being broken

- interrupted light beam, using UV for extra reliability; with care,
the false alarms you're apprehensive about could probably be avoided.

- pressure mat under window

- proximity detector
And I meant to add motion detector (a familiar PIR unit, hacked for
the purpose.)

By 'proximity detector' I meant a capacitive sensor. Like the one I
designed for several touch lamps, shown here.

It's easily adaptable for burglar alarm purposes, but for reliable
operation requires human contact within about 2mm of the sensor. (So
kitchen foil underneath a insulating surface is one possibility.)

Of course, a key factor determining your approach is your skill level.
Even a relatively simple alarm can be demanding if it's to be
reliable. Have you thought about buying a ready made kit?

Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK
Possible sensors:
microswitch operated by window opening
magnetic switch
sound switch
interrupted light beam
pressure mat under window
proximity detector
Terry Pinnell

And I meant to add motion detector (PIR)
Terry Pinnell
I wondered where PIR was on your 1st post. :cool:

Under-carpet mat is the simplest (a supervised loop is necessary).
PIR (Passive InfraRed) is the most reliable.
Having to replace a broken trip-wire at 3AM because of a false alarm
would quickly reveal a bad design choice.

Have you thought about buying a ready made kit?
Well worth consideration.

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