Maik Wiege
I want to build me a relais card for my printer port. I found an nice cicuit
at dicsolitez:
To make it mor simple I want to replace the MOC's and Triacs with
solid-state-relais. Here is what I think how it should look:
Because my knowledge in electronics is not that good, I wanted to check it
first and hope you all can give me a good responce for this.
I think perhaps the resistance as to be bigger, because in the dicolitez
circuit there was something said, that the relais has to work with 5V, but
the one I found uses lesser voltage.
The datasheets of the D-Latch and the relais can be found here:
Thanks for any help
Maik Wiege
I want to build me a relais card for my printer port. I found an nice cicuit
at dicsolitez:
To make it mor simple I want to replace the MOC's and Triacs with
solid-state-relais. Here is what I think how it should look:
Because my knowledge in electronics is not that good, I wanted to check it
first and hope you all can give me a good responce for this.
I think perhaps the resistance as to be bigger, because in the dicolitez
circuit there was something said, that the relais has to work with 5V, but
the one I found uses lesser voltage.
The datasheets of the D-Latch and the relais can be found here:
Thanks for any help
Maik Wiege