Bridge Rectifier



I`m building a project which uses a small 4 lead bridge rectifier.
This transistor size component has one dot next to a lead.
Am I right to assume this is the cathode.
The pcb where this component is to go has a + sign on it and I presume this is for the anode lead (opposite the dot.)
Hope someone can help me!

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rod wrote:
I`m building a project which uses a small 4 lead bridge rectifier.
This transistor size component has one dot next to a lead.
Am I right to assume this is the cathode.
The pcb where this component is to go has a + sign on it and I presume this is for the anode lead (opposite the dot.)
Hope someone can help me!
I would check the 4 diode polarities with a meter. Most digital
multimeters have a diode check range that reads out the forward bias
voltage. Check that you understand what it is telling you with a
known diode.

John Popelish

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