I want to play around with hardware so I bought a card from delcom
engineering that allows me to flip some bits on a USB board. What laws
do I have to consider to put out a simple electronic thingamabob that
connects to the USB port or serial port? For instance, some LED
sequencer that sequences the lights based on the PC software?
I figure it will be fun to write all kinds of crazy software to drive
the LEDs and I could sell this on a web page. But do I have to spend
thousands getting UL certification, EMF testing, or what?
I want to play around with hardware so I bought a card from delcom
engineering that allows me to flip some bits on a USB board. What laws
do I have to consider to put out a simple electronic thingamabob that
connects to the USB port or serial port? For instance, some LED
sequencer that sequences the lights based on the PC software?
I figure it will be fun to write all kinds of crazy software to drive
the LEDs and I could sell this on a web page. But do I have to spend
thousands getting UL certification, EMF testing, or what?