

David L. Jones

Is it just me, or did anyone else think the new pommy Brainic show on
Ch10 tonight was an *extremely* bad Mythbusters rip-off?
The Brainiac-Babes?, sheeze, give me Scottie and Kari any day!

I might think twice about putting my Rubidium frequency standard into
water though!

Dave :)
David L. Jones wrote:
Is it just me, or did anyone else think the new pommy Brainic show on
Ch10 tonight was an *extremely* bad Mythbusters rip-off?
The Brainiac-Babes?, sheeze, give me Scottie and Kari any day!

I might think twice about putting my Rubidium frequency standard into
water though!
I didn't see much of it, but I like the fact that they have people who have
actually studied science at some point in their lives. And I like the fact
they got their paws on some Rubidium and Caesium. And a few bathtubs. Go the
"David L. Jones" wrote:

Is it just me, or did anyone else think the new pommy Brainic show on
Ch10 tonight was an *extremely* bad Mythbusters rip-off?
The Brainiac-Babes?, sheeze, give me Scottie and Kari any day!

I might think twice about putting my Rubidium frequency standard into
water though!

Dave :)

Pretty damn cheesy.......

A nice attempt at copying the other show but I don't
think even Mythbusters was all that original in its

I'm wondering if we'll ever get the one Penn & Teller are doing

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