bose wave radio



hey guys,
Im working on a bose wave radio m#awr1-1w I found a transistor
shorted in the front of the power supply Q4 I replaced it and it came
on and worked for a day. Now it has the same symptoms but Q4 is good.
The symptoms are no sound , no display and when you unplug it , it
makes a wierd discharge sound in the speaker. Any ideas.

"harold" <> wrote in message
hey guys,
Im working on a bose wave radio m#awr1-1w I found a transistor
shorted in the front of the power supply Q4 I replaced it and it came
on and worked for a day. Now it has the same symptoms but Q4 is good.
The symptoms are no sound , no display and when you unplug it , it
makes a wierd discharge sound in the speaker. Any ideas.

Yes, Next time you find a bad component, try to find out why it went
defective. Could be bad solder joints, bad capacitors, other transistors,
I would start by checking the components that are directly connected to the
transistor you changed, and working your way out from there.
"harold" <> wrote in message
hey guys,
Im working on a bose wave radio m#awr1-1w I found a transistor
shorted in the front of the power supply Q4 I replaced it and it came
on and worked for a day. Now it has the same symptoms but Q4 is good.
The symptoms are no sound , no display and when you unplug it , it
makes a wierd discharge sound in the speaker. Any ideas.

If you don't have schematics, look for the six digit number on the main
board, and mail me direct off-group. With that number, I should be able to
fix you up with service info, and any help you might need with the repair.
Note that there are several different versions of the Wave Radio, and the
basic model number is not a lot of help with identifying them, or knowing
which components you are actually referring to. Some versions have a fusible
resistor fitted in the power supply, which fails for no apparent reason, but
which may in your case have been stressed, if it's present, by the failure
of Q4. The symptoms are pretty much what you describe when it goes open.

sarastephen had written this in response to :

harold wrote:

i always read people complaining about Bose devices and still wonder why
they are still using them, I no longer like Bose because of their problems
and usually require additional devices.


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