Phil Allison
** Hi to all,
I know someone who is the proud owner of one of these:
He rang me while sitting in the driver's set of his stationery van - using
the Blue Ant dangling from this rear view mirror as intended.
I could hardly make out his words, the sound quality was just appalling.
Extremely honky and with low volume - sounded to be on the verge of mid
frequency feedback all the time.
He then moved the unit to the self belt anchor near his left ear, made SFA
difference. It was so hard to discern what he was saying that I would not
wish to continue the conversation for more than a minute or attempt converse
in more than four word phrases.
The he started up the engine and moved off - conversation then became
quite impossible.
The exaggerated gearbox noise sounded like the phone was being used in a
hurricane and his voice kept disappearing altogether.
Latest technology - right ?
........ Phil
I know someone who is the proud owner of one of these:
He rang me while sitting in the driver's set of his stationery van - using
the Blue Ant dangling from this rear view mirror as intended.
I could hardly make out his words, the sound quality was just appalling.
Extremely honky and with low volume - sounded to be on the verge of mid
frequency feedback all the time.
He then moved the unit to the self belt anchor near his left ear, made SFA
difference. It was so hard to discern what he was saying that I would not
wish to continue the conversation for more than a minute or attempt converse
in more than four word phrases.
The he started up the engine and moved off - conversation then became
quite impossible.
The exaggerated gearbox noise sounded like the phone was being used in a
hurricane and his voice kept disappearing altogether.
Latest technology - right ?
........ Phil