I am doing a project in VHDL and one of my VHDL references is "The VHDL
Cookbook", by Peter J. Ashden (available online somewhere in postscript/PDF).
In Chapter 3.2.2, it discusses using blocks within the architecture
declaration to hierarchialize the design. I have not seen references to using
blocks within the architecture in other guides, HOWTO's or manuals: is this
supported in both '87 and '93 VHDL standards?
My main question is this: why would one choose to use blocks instead of using
entities/components? Is there some advantage and/or difference between them
or is it purely the choice of the designer?
I am doing a project in VHDL and one of my VHDL references is "The VHDL
Cookbook", by Peter J. Ashden (available online somewhere in postscript/PDF).
In Chapter 3.2.2, it discusses using blocks within the architecture
declaration to hierarchialize the design. I have not seen references to using
blocks within the architecture in other guides, HOWTO's or manuals: is this
supported in both '87 and '93 VHDL standards?
My main question is this: why would one choose to use blocks instead of using
entities/components? Is there some advantage and/or difference between them
or is it purely the choice of the designer?