Mark Rejhon
Need recommendations about circuit board cleaning liquids.
Definition of Blackberry = a good email-capable cellphone/data device
with a thumb keyboard, latest model, costing about $400+ minimum new.
See my more detailed post in sci.electronics.misc ... but to keep the
story short, it got saved on time (battery removed immediately and
The only problem with it now are stuck keyboard keys, as if a keyboard
matrix was shorted. Already, I've tried to clean the keyboard
contacts but my analysis has determined it's probably residue in an
inaccessible place such as between BGA pins underneath a chip.
Already spent 1 hour cleaning with isopropyl-dipped Q-tips already, to
no improvement. Circuit board now looks almost like new.
(If you have questions to ask me first, please go over to
sci.electronics.misc for my whole story about what happened to the
Blackberry and what's inside the Blackberry -- search for my last name
To dissolve residue in inaccessible places such as under BGA chips, I
now need recommendations of a circuit board immersion cleaning liquid.
Will 90%-97% isopropyl do, or will distilled water do? Or what
chemical, and what percentage? Keep in mind, it has to be safe
enough for residential use. This is a last-resort cleaning I need to
do before I replace the Blackberry.
It's a 2003-era mobile electronics circuit board, PDA style highly
integrated, with LCD removable if I want to clean without damaging the
screen. It's a $400 device, so I need to make an inexpensive
last-ditch repair attempt before replacing it. (I own it, no
contract, and therefore am responsible for its replacement.)
Mark Rejhon
Need recommendations about circuit board cleaning liquids.
Definition of Blackberry = a good email-capable cellphone/data device
with a thumb keyboard, latest model, costing about $400+ minimum new.
See my more detailed post in sci.electronics.misc ... but to keep the
story short, it got saved on time (battery removed immediately and
The only problem with it now are stuck keyboard keys, as if a keyboard
matrix was shorted. Already, I've tried to clean the keyboard
contacts but my analysis has determined it's probably residue in an
inaccessible place such as between BGA pins underneath a chip.
Already spent 1 hour cleaning with isopropyl-dipped Q-tips already, to
no improvement. Circuit board now looks almost like new.
(If you have questions to ask me first, please go over to
sci.electronics.misc for my whole story about what happened to the
Blackberry and what's inside the Blackberry -- search for my last name
To dissolve residue in inaccessible places such as under BGA chips, I
now need recommendations of a circuit board immersion cleaning liquid.
Will 90%-97% isopropyl do, or will distilled water do? Or what
chemical, and what percentage? Keep in mind, it has to be safe
enough for residential use. This is a last-resort cleaning I need to
do before I replace the Blackberry.
It's a 2003-era mobile electronics circuit board, PDA style highly
integrated, with LCD removable if I want to clean without damaging the
screen. It's a $400 device, so I need to make an inexpensive
last-ditch repair attempt before replacing it. (I own it, no
contract, and therefore am responsible for its replacement.)
Mark Rejhon