I just bought some BJT's OnSemi's low Vcesat high gain NJT4031NT1G and
complementary NJT4030PT1G.
NJT4031NT1G Data sheet
NJT4030PT1G Data sheet
They came with an advisement "Caution this bag contains Moisture
Sensitive Devices" Level #3
Where level 3 is
"floor life out of bag"
168 hours <30 C/60% RH
Does this mean that these BJT's would only last 168 hours shelf life
when taken out of the bag? This doesn't make any sense what if you use
these in a circuit that only see's intermittent use will the BJT specs
I have no immediate need for these I just got them to test them out
switching speed,vcesat and gain.
I usually store my smd components rewraped in antistatic bags and
labeled in coin envolopes. I dont revacum seal them though. Would this
method still work for components with Moisture warnings?
complementary NJT4030PT1G.
NJT4031NT1G Data sheet
NJT4030PT1G Data sheet
They came with an advisement "Caution this bag contains Moisture
Sensitive Devices" Level #3
Where level 3 is
"floor life out of bag"
168 hours <30 C/60% RH
Does this mean that these BJT's would only last 168 hours shelf life
when taken out of the bag? This doesn't make any sense what if you use
these in a circuit that only see's intermittent use will the BJT specs
I have no immediate need for these I just got them to test them out
switching speed,vcesat and gain.
I usually store my smd components rewraped in antistatic bags and
labeled in coin envolopes. I dont revacum seal them though. Would this
method still work for components with Moisture warnings?