Klaus Kragelund
So, I have this small detector circuit, where I need to convert a low voltage (1Vpeak) sine wave into a digital signal
I do that by feeding it into the base of a BC847, with a resistor to 5V from the collector. The signal is 1MHz, so I have added a baker clamp schotkky to avoid the BJT storage time
It works fine
I would like to have it work down at 100mVpeak instead
So I capacitive couple the signal and add a bias network at the base to keep it biased just below the point where the BJT knee kicks in (600mV)
That also works fine - but the VBE voltage shifts a lot with temperature, 2mV/K
So I was thinking some kind of auto adjust to adjust the bias according to the actual VBE knee (maybe check the digital side, if no signal, then I need to shift the bias up, and if it is clamped to GND, I need to shift the bias down)
Anyone done something like this?
(I am cost driven, so I cannot just use a fast comparator, which would be the easy solution)
So, I have this small detector circuit, where I need to convert a low voltage (1Vpeak) sine wave into a digital signal
I do that by feeding it into the base of a BC847, with a resistor to 5V from the collector. The signal is 1MHz, so I have added a baker clamp schotkky to avoid the BJT storage time
It works fine
I would like to have it work down at 100mVpeak instead
So I capacitive couple the signal and add a bias network at the base to keep it biased just below the point where the BJT knee kicks in (600mV)
That also works fine - but the VBE voltage shifts a lot with temperature, 2mV/K
So I was thinking some kind of auto adjust to adjust the bias according to the actual VBE knee (maybe check the digital side, if no signal, then I need to shift the bias up, and if it is clamped to GND, I need to shift the bias down)
Anyone done something like this?
(I am cost driven, so I cannot just use a fast comparator, which would be the easy solution)