Svenn Are Bjerkem
I am trying to bind the plotting of the cellview in the current active
window to ctrl-p. I observe that if I go down the hierarchy and press
ctrl-p then actually the top level is printed. I also have problem
getting true landscape, that is landscape plot on landscape paper.
Cadence seem to like landscape plot on portrait paper which require
separate rotate 90 degrees when creating redable pdf.
also seems that schPlot is really picky on what is in that
schPlotOptions list. I first saved to a template and then used that
template file as a template for this hardcoded list. I do not really
want to have a lot of template files around. Just being a mess in
multi-user environments....
Here is the code that I have so far:
(procedure (SABplotWindow winId)
(let (dbId t_libName t_cellName t_viewName t_fileName t_rootPath)
(setq dbId (deGetCellView winId))
(setq t_libName dbId->libName)
(setq t_cellName dbId->cellName)
(setq t_viewName dbId->cellViewType)
(setq t_rootPath (getShellEnvVar "HOME"))
(setq t_fileName (buildString (list t_libName t_cellName t_viewName)
(setq t_fileName (buildString (list t_fileName "ps") "."))
(setq t_fileName (buildString (list t_rootPath "plot" t_fileName)
(printf "fileName: %L\n" t_fileName)
(printf "libName: %s, cellName: %s, viewName: %s\n" t_libName
t_cellName t_viewName)
(setq schPlotOptions (list nil
'library t_libName
'cell t_cellName
'view t_viewName
'version "0.0"
'scope "/" ; text field, "/" should be the default.
'header nil ; set when "Plot Header" is set.
'copy 1
'outputfile t_fileName
'hierarchy nil
'hierleveldown 0
'multisheet nil
;;'plot "current window"
'plot "cellview"
;;'bBox '((0.0 0.0) (15.00 8.00))
'bBox nil
'area "area fit"
'fullarea t
'noteText ""
'grid nil
'indexsheet t
'notes nil
'header nil
'plotToFile t
'mailto "sb0057"
'display "display"
'vsheets 1
'hsheets 1
'pagecount 1
'nullpage nil
'paperdim '(189.8 201.4 )
'papersize "A4"
'resolution 600
'plotterType "postscript1"
'plotter "RicohPrinterA4"
'fit t
'time "now"
'tmpdir "/usr/tmp"
'copy 1
'unit "mm"
;;'scale 0.992174
'center t
'mail nil
'orientation "landscape"
'offset '(0.0 0.0)
'plotsize '( 201.4 270.8)
(schPlot nil winId)
I am trying to bind the plotting of the cellview in the current active
window to ctrl-p. I observe that if I go down the hierarchy and press
ctrl-p then actually the top level is printed. I also have problem
getting true landscape, that is landscape plot on landscape paper.
Cadence seem to like landscape plot on portrait paper which require
separate rotate 90 degrees when creating redable pdf.
also seems that schPlot is really picky on what is in that
schPlotOptions list. I first saved to a template and then used that
template file as a template for this hardcoded list. I do not really
want to have a lot of template files around. Just being a mess in
multi-user environments....
Here is the code that I have so far:
(procedure (SABplotWindow winId)
(let (dbId t_libName t_cellName t_viewName t_fileName t_rootPath)
(setq dbId (deGetCellView winId))
(setq t_libName dbId->libName)
(setq t_cellName dbId->cellName)
(setq t_viewName dbId->cellViewType)
(setq t_rootPath (getShellEnvVar "HOME"))
(setq t_fileName (buildString (list t_libName t_cellName t_viewName)
(setq t_fileName (buildString (list t_fileName "ps") "."))
(setq t_fileName (buildString (list t_rootPath "plot" t_fileName)
(printf "fileName: %L\n" t_fileName)
(printf "libName: %s, cellName: %s, viewName: %s\n" t_libName
t_cellName t_viewName)
(setq schPlotOptions (list nil
'library t_libName
'cell t_cellName
'view t_viewName
'version "0.0"
'scope "/" ; text field, "/" should be the default.
'header nil ; set when "Plot Header" is set.
'copy 1
'outputfile t_fileName
'hierarchy nil
'hierleveldown 0
'multisheet nil
;;'plot "current window"
'plot "cellview"
;;'bBox '((0.0 0.0) (15.00 8.00))
'bBox nil
'area "area fit"
'fullarea t
'noteText ""
'grid nil
'indexsheet t
'notes nil
'header nil
'plotToFile t
'mailto "sb0057"
'display "display"
'vsheets 1
'hsheets 1
'pagecount 1
'nullpage nil
'paperdim '(189.8 201.4 )
'papersize "A4"
'resolution 600
'plotterType "postscript1"
'plotter "RicohPrinterA4"
'fit t
'time "now"
'tmpdir "/usr/tmp"
'copy 1
'unit "mm"
;;'scale 0.992174
'center t
'mail nil
'orientation "landscape"
'offset '(0.0 0.0)
'plotsize '( 201.4 270.8)
(schPlot nil winId)