Bill Baka: Internet Coward

I am looking at *YOU*, Bill Baka! You threatened to track me down
and send the "Real Internet Police" after me. You threatened to
"mess up my Internet." Let's see you do it, you pathetic blowhard!

Can't do it? Then post your home address and I will come and see
you in person. No, I am not threatening you. I plan on introducing
myself and politely asking whether you wish to carry out your threats.
Only after you take a swing will I beat the crap out of you in self-
defense; I have no intention of using violence unless you start

No home address either? COWARD!!!

You are a fat slob who pretends to be in shape. You don't even
own a bicycle. You ride a motorcycle. And you are closer to
80 years old than 60. Eat shit and die, asswipe. Post your home
address and I will come over there and tell you to eat shit and
die in person, coward.
On 31 Dec 2008 23:23:23 GMT, wrote:

I am looking at *YOU*, Bill Baka! You threatened to track me down
and send the "Real Internet Police" after me. You threatened to
"mess up my Internet." Let's see you do it, you pathetic blowhard!

Can't do it? Then post your home address and I will come and see
you in person. No, I am not threatening you. I plan on introducing
myself and politely asking whether you wish to carry out your threats.
Only after you take a swing will I beat the crap out of you in self-
defense; I have no intention of using violence unless you start

No home address either? COWARD!!!

You are a fat slob who pretends to be in shape. You don't even
own a bicycle. You ride a motorcycle. And you are closer to
80 years old than 60. Eat shit and die, asswipe. Post your home
address and I will come over there and tell you to eat shit and
die in person, coward.
Is this another one of High Plains Thumper's nyms?

It sure sounds like his kind of an operation.
Gary M. Stewart wrote: wrote:

I am looking at *YOU*, Bill Baka! You threatened to track
me down and send the "Real Internet Police" after me. You
threatened to "mess up my Internet." Let's see you do it,
you pathetic blowhard!

Can't do it? Then post your home address and I will come
and see you in person. No, I am not threatening you. I plan
on introducing myself and politely asking whether you wish
to carry out your threats. Only after you take a swing will
I beat the crap out of you in self- defense; I have no
intention of using violence unless you start something.

No home address either? COWARD!!!

You are a fat slob who pretends to be in shape. You don't
even own a bicycle. You ride a motorcycle. And you are
closer to 80 years old than 60. Eat shit and die, asswipe.
Post your home address and I will come over there and tell
you to eat shit and die in person, coward.

Is this another one of High Plains Thumper's nyms?

It sure sounds like his kind of an operation.

Name: Gary M. Stewart (flatfish + many other nyms)


* Naively believes using 'X-No-Archive: YES' protects him
later when accused of his lying, homophobia, etc.
* See entry for flatfish troll

Name: flatfish+++ (Gary Stewart in real life)


* Nym shifting (see below)
* Self confessed thief and proud of it
* Homophobic
* Racist
* Habitual liar
* Frequently cross posts replies to other non-Linux related
* Frequently cross posts articles originally not posted to COLA

The flatfish troll nyms shifts an extraordinary amount often
using the nyms as sock puppets. Here is a list of some of the
nyms the flatfish troll has used (NB: flatfish will often use the
names of other posters as nyms):

Abbie Diaz, achmed.jones, Aftab Singh, Allen Cusimano, Allie
Perkins, Allison Juergans, allison_hunt1969, Alicia Hunt, Ana
Thema, andyschipowitz, Anna Banger, anonymous,arkady.duntov,

[74 lines of alphabetised nyms snipped]

Wilbur J, willy watkins jr, Willy Wong, wiltons_pypes, Winnie
Septos, wizard.shot, wm_walsh, Wobbles, wylbur.horseman, Yanick
Schmuley and zyklon_C.
Plus many, many, many more.

HPT wrote:
I am looking at *YOU*, Bill Baka! You threatened to track me down
and send the "Real Internet Police" after me. You threatened to
"mess up my Internet." Let's see you do it, you pathetic blowhard!

Can't do it? Then post your home address and I will come and see
you in person. No, I am not threatening you. I plan on introducing
myself and politely asking whether you wish to carry out your threats.
Only after you take a swing will I beat the crap out of you in self-
defense; I have no intention of using violence unless you start

No home address either? COWARD!!!

You are a fat slob who pretends to be in shape. You don't even
own a bicycle. You ride a motorcycle. And you are closer to
80 years old than 60. Eat shit and die, asswipe. Post your home
address and I will come over there and tell you to eat shit and
die in person, coward.
....Bill's not here, man.

Registered Linux user #461062
In rec.bicycles.misc wrote:

I am looking at *YOU*, Bill Baka! You threatened to track me down
and send the "Real Internet Police" after me. You threatened to
"mess up my Internet." Let's see you do it, you pathetic blowhard!

Can't do it? Then post your home address and I will come and see
you in person. No, I am not threatening you. I plan on introducing
myself and politely asking whether you wish to carry out your threats.
Only after you take a swing will I beat the crap out of you in self-
defense; I have no intention of using violence unless you start

No home address either? COWARD!!!

You are a fat slob who pretends to be in shape. You don't even
own a bicycle. You ride a motorcycle. And you are closer to
80 years old than 60. Eat shit and die, asswipe. Post your home
address and I will come over there and tell you to eat shit and
die in person, coward.
I don't see your home address, or even your name, either. Seriously,
Baka hasn't been around this NG in months, and even when he was, all he
ever did was say things that rubbed people the wrong way. So why are
you suddenly foaming at the mouth?
I have a highly effective technique for dealing with twits, trolls,
and flamers: I ignore them. You might want to try it. It's amazing
how well it works, on both ends of the line.


| No one is exempt from the call to find common ground.
__o | -- Barak Obama
`\(, | A dictatorship would be a lot easier.
(_)/ (_) | --George W. Bush wrote:
I am looking at *YOU*, Bill Baka! You threatened to track me down
and send the "Real Internet Police" after me. You threatened to
"mess up my Internet." Let's see you do it, you pathetic blowhard!

Can't do it? Then post your home address and I will come and see
you in person. No, I am not threatening you. I plan on introducing
myself and politely asking whether you wish to carry out your threats.
Only after you take a swing will I beat the crap out of you in self-
defense; I have no intention of using violence unless you start

No home address either? COWARD!!!

You are a fat slob who pretends to be in shape. You don't even
own a bicycle. You ride a motorcycle. And you are closer to
80 years old than 60. Eat shit and die, asswipe. Post your home
address and I will come over there and tell you to eat shit and
die in person, coward.

WTF you doing posting here?
Northern California.
Wanna play?
Now, get the F out of here.
I am on the bicycles group at the moment.
Quit wasting bandwidth.
3 mountain bikes and one Shwinn road bike.
Go away.
Norman Peelman wrote: wrote:
I am looking at *YOU*, Bill Baka! You threatened to track me down
and send the "Real Internet Police" after me. You threatened to
"mess up my Internet." Let's see you do it, you pathetic blowhard!

Can't do it? Then post your home address and I will come and see you
in person. No, I am not threatening you. I plan on introducing
myself and politely asking whether you wish to carry out your threats.
Only after you take a swing will I beat the crap out of you in self-
defense; I have no intention of using violence unless you start

No home address either? COWARD!!!

You are a fat slob who pretends to be in shape. You don't even
own a bicycle. You ride a motorcycle. And you are closer to 80 years
old than 60. Eat shit and die, asswipe. Post your home address and I
will come over there and tell you to eat shit and die in person, coward.

...Bill's not here, man.

I am here, but just lurkng until summer.
Found another Internet IDIOT.
Sorry about him.
You ( Bill Baka, currently posting as "Bill <>"
and "Ramalamadingdong <>") have been reported to, and for mymshifting to evaid

You will be reported by multiple people every time you change your
email address. Keep it up and your account may be terminated, wrote:
You ( Bill Baka, currently posting as "Bill <>"
and "Ramalamadingdong <>") have been reported to, and for mymshifting to evaid

You will be reported by multiple people every time you change your
email address. Keep it up and your account may be terminated,

I was trying to get rod of that troll DanC and responded in kind.
He is ruining the Internet experience not only for me, but it will
become a kind of cancer that will affect this group with noise.
You can turn me in but you will surely have this troll to deal with.
Why all the cross posting???
you are in breach of net etiquette wrote:
You ( Bill Baka, currently posting as "Bill <>"
and "Ramalamadingdong <>") have been reported to, and for mymshifting to evaid

You will be reported by multiple people every time you change your
email address. Keep it up and your account may be terminated,

I did the name to confuse a very persistent troll who goes by the
handle "Dan C".
It didn't
..t work so I am back to my normal
It appears that the troll will keep on and not take the hint..
Bill (4 bikes) Baka
I am open to email to give a detailed account of this guy
He is hated on the Ubuntu group as well.
Please help to get rid of him.
Bill Baka

Also please stop cross posting..
In article <KgM8l.13465$>,
"" <> wrote:

Also please stop cross posting..
Yes, please!

Welcome to

