Bidirectional (bus) delay help needed


Nicolas Matringe

Hi all
I have a VME bus model to which I would like to add backplane delays
between modules.
The problem is that most signals are bidirectional (as in every bus) and
I don't know how to model this:

Module A Module B Module C
X ---A to B--> X ---B to C--> X (at time T1, X driven by module A)
X <--B to A--- X ---B to C--> X (at time T2, X driven by module B)

Any help is welcome :eek:)
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Hi Nicolas,

Regarding a very similar problem I found some information in the
archives of this newsgroup. In short: VHDL doesn't have a simple way
to model transmission (or transfer) gates (which would be the keywords
to search for).

However, a while back, someone posted a general description (IIRC, the
code he was referring to was copyrighted) of an algorithm to obtain
the desired behavior using a `postponed' process.

I never bothered to dig deeper into that matter since a) I was
restricted to VHDL'87 (in 2003!) and b) in my particular case, since I
was really only interested in one end of the transfer gate, it was
possible to simplify the problem to using a hardcoded data-eye and
home-brewn bidirectional buffer models instead of the ones from tha
ASIC library.

Hope that helps,
Marcus Harnisch a écrit:
Hi Nicolas,

Regarding a very similar problem I found some information in the
archives of this newsgroup. In short: VHDL doesn't have a simple way
to model transmission (or transfer) gates (which would be the keywords
to search for).
Right, I found interesting posts in the NG archives.

However, a while back, someone posted a general description (IIRC, the
code he was referring to was copyrighted) of an algorithm to obtain
the desired behavior using a `postponed' process.
I found a link to some code written by Ben Cohen. Looks very interesting.

Hope that helps,
Yes it does :eek:)
Thanks a lot

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