I would like to bias a 2N3904 transistor as a switch to drive 4 LEDs
in parallel. So I have this configuration but I am not sure whether
the cct will work.
The connection is from 5V source to 47 ohms resistor and then 4 LEDs
in parallel, then to Collector. Emitter is directly to ground.
For the Base, it is connect by a 1K current limiting resistor and
have a 5V, 0V ON/OFF control. I assume LED will consume 20 mA and
require 1.5 V.
Is this cct going to work ? If yes, how to justify by calculation ?
Thanks in advance.
I would like to bias a 2N3904 transistor as a switch to drive 4 LEDs
in parallel. So I have this configuration but I am not sure whether
the cct will work.
The connection is from 5V source to 47 ohms resistor and then 4 LEDs
in parallel, then to Collector. Emitter is directly to ground.
For the Base, it is connect by a 1K current limiting resistor and
have a 5V, 0V ON/OFF control. I assume LED will consume 20 mA and
require 1.5 V.
Is this cct going to work ? If yes, how to justify by calculation ?
Thanks in advance.