Read the fine print. Basically, the paid membership isn't anything near
worth paying for unless you have a paying contract. If you DO have a
paying contract as a member, it saves you 5% of your invoices (you pay
5% instead of 10%). But if you get a paying contract from an invitation
to bid that was made before becoming a member, you don't get the
discount. Gotcha!!
The bottom line . . . the paid membership isn't worth it -- period.
Don't waste your money.
worth paying for unless you have a paying contract. If you DO have a
paying contract as a member, it saves you 5% of your invoices (you pay
5% instead of 10%). But if you get a paying contract from an invitation
to bid that was made before becoming a member, you don't get the
discount. Gotcha!!
The bottom line . . . the paid membership isn't worth it -- period.
Don't waste your money.