Best tool(s) for filter float->fixed->VHDL flow?



I've got a minor DSP/comm task to put in an FPGA:

Complex demod to baseband, CIC+decimate+FIR LPF chain, magnitude
estimate, some FSK and DPSK data to interpolate, correlate and
extract, plus other sundry tasks.

I'd like to model this all in untimed/behavioral floating-point, have
a quick way to evaluate filtering options (including IIR, varying
lengths and structures/forms) and quantization effects, with automatic
conversion to a somewhat optimal fixed-point implementation that a
tool can automatically write out as VHDL (RTL, not behavioral).
Parameterizable block diagram entry is a plus. Probes/sinks with FFT
and time plots and file writes at nodes of interest are also
desireable. (SUMMARY: design/analyze at high level, let tools do
dirty, low-level work.)

Maybe I ask too much ;-) but it seems like this is such a common
problem and flow that solutions would abound. However, I've been out
of the DSP world for a while, and don't know what the best, cheapest,
or most productive tool options are...

What would the gurus of comp.dsp and comp.arch.fpga suggest?

I have access to MathCad, Matlab (with FDAT), Simulink, and possibly
LabView (National Instruments?) and (Cocentric System Studio (Synopys)
but am not fluent with them.

I've entered the design in Cadence/CoWare's SPW, but am getting
frustrated with it -- not as easy to explore different architectures
as I had hoped.

I suppose Ptolemy is an option, if the learning curve is not
staggering. Agilent has some Ptolemy add-ons for fixed-point analysis
and optimization, but they're not free or in my company's budget for
this project.

Any and all constructive suggestions are very much appreciated; thanks
in advance...

Mark wrote:

What would the gurus of comp.dsp and comp.arch.fpga suggest?

I have access to MathCad, Matlab (with FDAT), Simulink,
Do you know the Xilinx extension to Simulink, which is called

You can set up a behavioral simulation within Simulink.
From this simulation you go to VHDL code just by pressing a button.

I tried it in a small task, and it worked really fine.

Certainly, it will not make the best out of the possibilities VHDL
provides - and there's a good chance that it wastes lots of the
resources of an FPGA.

But I always ended up with synthesized code which did what it was
expected to.

This tool chain is rather new - and will need some time to mature,
but even if it won't solve your task completely, it might be a good
starting point for evaluation.


The freeware winfilter can generate VHDL code for fir filter (8 or
16-bit) coefficients.


Mark wrote:
I've got a minor DSP/comm task to put in an FPGA:

Complex demod to baseband, CIC+decimate+FIR LPF chain, magnitude
estimate, some FSK and DPSK data to interpolate, correlate and
extract, plus other sundry tasks.

I'd like to model this all in untimed/behavioral floating-point, have
a quick way to evaluate filtering options (including IIR, varying
lengths and structures/forms) and quantization effects, with automatic
conversion to a somewhat optimal fixed-point implementation that a
tool can automatically write out as VHDL (RTL, not behavioral).
Parameterizable block diagram entry is a plus. Probes/sinks with FFT
and time plots and file writes at nodes of interest are also
desireable. (SUMMARY: design/analyze at high level, let tools do
dirty, low-level work.)

Maybe I ask too much ;-) but it seems like this is such a common
problem and flow that solutions would abound. However, I've been out
of the DSP world for a while, and don't know what the best, cheapest,
or most productive tool options are...

What would the gurus of comp.dsp and comp.arch.fpga suggest?

I have access to MathCad, Matlab (with FDAT), Simulink, and possibly
LabView (National Instruments?) and (Cocentric System Studio (Synopys)
but am not fluent with them.

I've entered the design in Cadence/CoWare's SPW, but am getting
frustrated with it -- not as easy to explore different architectures
as I had hoped.

I suppose Ptolemy is an option, if the learning curve is not
staggering. Agilent has some Ptolemy add-ons for fixed-point analysis
and optimization, but they're not free or in my company's budget for
this project.

Any and all constructive suggestions are very much appreciated; thanks
in advance...


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There is a new toolbox for MATLAB called "Filter Design HDL Coder" that adds
the VHDL code generation feature to the filter design tool. As you may know,
filter design tool of MATLAB can already convert the floating point
cofficents to fix-point and this new tool box gives you the last ring of the
chain, the Code Generation. However I think you can only use it with the new
MATLAB R14 so if you are using an older version of MATLAB, maybe the whole
solution be a bit expensive.

I don't work in this area but I have heard of some companies
whose technology may interest you

In article <>,
Mark <> wrote:
I've got a minor DSP/comm task to put in an FPGA:

Complex demod to baseband, CIC+decimate+FIR LPF chain, magnitude
estimate, some FSK and DPSK data to interpolate, correlate and
extract, plus other sundry tasks.

I'd like to model this all in untimed/behavioral floating-point, have
a quick way to evaluate filtering options (including IIR, varying
lengths and structures/forms) and quantization effects, with automatic
conversion to a somewhat optimal fixed-point implementation that a
tool can automatically write out as VHDL (RTL, not behavioral).
Parameterizable block diagram entry is a plus. Probes/sinks with FFT
and time plots and file writes at nodes of interest are also
desireable. (SUMMARY: design/analyze at high level, let tools do
dirty, low-level work.)

Maybe I ask too much ;-) but it seems like this is such a common
problem and flow that solutions would abound. However, I've been out
of the DSP world for a while, and don't know what the best, cheapest,
or most productive tool options are...

What would the gurus of comp.dsp and comp.arch.fpga suggest?

I have access to MathCad, Matlab (with FDAT), Simulink, and possibly
LabView (National Instruments?) and (Cocentric System Studio (Synopys)
but am not fluent with them.

I've entered the design in Cadence/CoWare's SPW, but am getting
frustrated with it -- not as easy to explore different architectures
as I had hoped.

I suppose Ptolemy is an option, if the learning curve is not
staggering. Agilent has some Ptolemy add-ons for fixed-point analysis
and optimization, but they're not free or in my company's budget for
this project.

Any and all constructive suggestions are very much appreciated; thanks
in advance...

MarkJ (Mark) wrote in message news:<>...
I've got a minor DSP/comm task to put in an FPGA:

Complex demod to baseband, CIC+decimate+FIR LPF chain, magnitude
estimate, some FSK and DPSK data to interpolate, correlate and
extract, plus other sundry tasks.

I'd like to model this all in untimed/behavioral floating-point, have
a quick way to evaluate filtering options (including IIR, varying
lengths and structures/forms) and quantization effects, with automatic
conversion to a somewhat optimal fixed-point implementation that a
tool can automatically write out as VHDL (RTL, not behavioral).
Parameterizable block diagram entry is a plus. Probes/sinks with FFT
and time plots and file writes at nodes of interest are also
desireable. (SUMMARY: design/analyze at high level, let tools do
dirty, low-level work.)
For architectural exploration, take a look at the new behavioral
synthesis tools coming on-line. If money is no object, consider
Mentor's CatapultC (was PrecisionC).

CatapultC takes an untimed C model and converts it to RTL. You guide
the compilation process specifying which for-loops to unroll, which
arrays to make memories, etc. The process is fast, and you can
quickly compare alternative architectural decisions -- the tool plots
a graph of area vs. performance so you can see which decision fits
with your application.

Other companies in this space include Forte (Cynthesizer), AccelChip,
and Celoxica. If you can't fork out $100K+, consider SPARK. It maps
untimed C to RTL. It's not free (as in open-source) and I don't know
the license restrictions.

For parametric designs, take a look at Confluence -- a functional
programming language for generating synchronous netlists (outputs
Verilog, VHDL, C). It's cheap (GPL) and the language was originally
designed for DSP.

Though the process of mapping floating-point to fixed-point is not
automated, you just have to write the conversion algorithm once. Then
afterwards, when you change coefficient values, precision, the number
of coefficients, or any other parameter, the flow is completely

A CIC filter cannot be implemented in floating point. To get it to
work it must be done in non-saturating integer math, such as is done
using non-saturating two's complement representation. The integer
math must wrap around.

Dirk A. Bell (Tom Hawkins) wrote in message news:<>... (Mark) wrote in message news:<>...
I've got a minor DSP/comm task to put in an FPGA:

Complex demod to baseband, CIC+decimate+FIR LPF chain, magnitude
estimate, some FSK and DPSK data to interpolate, correlate and
extract, plus other sundry tasks.

I'd like to model this all in untimed/behavioral floating-point, have
a quick way to evaluate filtering options (including IIR, varying
lengths and structures/forms) and quantization effects, with automatic
conversion to a somewhat optimal fixed-point implementation that a
tool can automatically write out as VHDL (RTL, not behavioral).
Parameterizable block diagram entry is a plus. Probes/sinks with FFT
and time plots and file writes at nodes of interest are also
desireable. (SUMMARY: design/analyze at high level, let tools do
dirty, low-level work.)

For architectural exploration, take a look at the new behavioral
synthesis tools coming on-line. If money is no object, consider
Mentor's CatapultC (was PrecisionC).

CatapultC takes an untimed C model and converts it to RTL. You guide
the compilation process specifying which for-loops to unroll, which
arrays to make memories, etc. The process is fast, and you can
quickly compare alternative architectural decisions -- the tool plots
a graph of area vs. performance so you can see which decision fits
with your application.

Other companies in this space include Forte (Cynthesizer), AccelChip,
and Celoxica. If you can't fork out $100K+, consider SPARK. It maps
untimed C to RTL. It's not free (as in open-source) and I don't know
the license restrictions.

For parametric designs, take a look at Confluence -- a functional
programming language for generating synchronous netlists (outputs
Verilog, VHDL, C). It's cheap (GPL) and the language was originally
designed for DSP.

Though the process of mapping floating-point to fixed-point is not
automated, you just have to write the conversion algorithm once. Then
afterwards, when you change coefficient values, precision, the number
of coefficients, or any other parameter, the flow is completely

Hi Mark

Xilinx's System Generator for DSP has been designed to do exactly this.
Sysgen will allow you to design your entire system in the Simulink
where you can use all the sinks/sources available in the Simulink library
analyze your design. The Sysgen gateway blocks handle the conversion from

floating to fixed point, and it is easy to simulate quantization effects
and see
how the design is affected by using different data/coeff bit widths.

Sysgen comes with libraries that contain DDC, CIC DaFIR, MACCFIR blocks
and many other dsp blocks, but it is also easy to build your own library
out of lower level blocks. You can easily build custom IIR filters for
and semi-parallel filters that make the best use of available clock cycles
out of
adders/shift registers/multipliers etc.

There was some concerns raised about the resulting VHDL that is produced,
will it perform as well as hand written VHDL? Well, here is how we
this problem: First, for most of the sub-components in a design, an
netlist will be generated from the Core-Generator tool. These netlists
map very
efficiently to the fpga architecture and use relative placement
constraints to ensure
consistent timing behavior. Second, if there is a portion of the design
that you feel
could be more efficientlly implemented by hand written VHDL or Verilog,
then the
Sysgen tool provides a method for black boxing this HDL so that it can be
into the larger design.

The appearance of the resulting VHDL may be bloated, but the actual
is bound more by the max fpga clock rate vs sample rate, and how well you
make use
of hardware folding and pipelining techniques in your design.

Hope this helps,

Mark wrote:

I've got a minor DSP/comm task to put in an FPGA:

Complex demod to baseband, CIC+decimate+FIR LPF chain, magnitude
estimate, some FSK and DPSK data to interpolate, correlate and
extract, plus other sundry tasks.

I'd like to model this all in untimed/behavioral floating-point, have
a quick way to evaluate filtering options (including IIR, varying
lengths and structures/forms) and quantization effects, with automatic
conversion to a somewhat optimal fixed-point implementation that a
tool can automatically write out as VHDL (RTL, not behavioral).
Parameterizable block diagram entry is a plus. Probes/sinks with FFT
and time plots and file writes at nodes of interest are also
desireable. (SUMMARY: design/analyze at high level, let tools do
dirty, low-level work.)

Maybe I ask too much ;-) but it seems like this is such a common
problem and flow that solutions would abound. However, I've been out
of the DSP world for a while, and don't know what the best, cheapest,
or most productive tool options are...

What would the gurus of comp.dsp and comp.arch.fpga suggest?

I have access to MathCad, Matlab (with FDAT), Simulink, and possibly
LabView (National Instruments?) and (Cocentric System Studio (Synopys)
but am not fluent with them.

I've entered the design in Cadence/CoWare's SPW, but am getting
frustrated with it -- not as easy to explore different architectures
as I had hoped.

I suppose Ptolemy is an option, if the learning curve is not
staggering. Agilent has some Ptolemy add-ons for fixed-point analysis
and optimization, but they're not free or in my company's budget for
this project.

Any and all constructive suggestions are very much appreciated; thanks
in advance...

That's a very realistic description.
I can verify this from my experience.

Especially, if you're unexperienced with VHDL design,
it will save a lot of time and make the result more reliable.


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