Peter Kiproff
I have a hydraulic valve on a break press, 115V approx 1A+ that when opened
produces a nasty spike!
This affects other logic, I tried 47 ohm 1/2 W in series with .1 uf @ 600V.
across the coil.
This is in a remote local.
What would be your best guess to tame this? without scopeing it
should it be across the coil or across the switch or relay?
Thank you for helping.
produces a nasty spike!
This affects other logic, I tried 47 ohm 1/2 W in series with .1 uf @ 600V.
across the coil.
This is in a remote local.
What would be your best guess to tame this? without scopeing it
should it be across the coil or across the switch or relay?
Thank you for helping.