We have several laptops that are rarely used. As best
I can find, it is fatal to a Li Ion battery to go
completely dead, and that has often happened on our
laptops. Three of our relatively new laptops are
a Thinkpad, Dell, and an HP. I observe that the charge
light on the laptop goes off at some point. The HP
charger which feels hot when charging, feels cold to
the touch when the charge light goes off.
It seems to me tht the charging circuits in the laptops
are smart enough to leave the chargers plugged in all
the time.
I would appreciate comments from anyone who has adopted
a similar charging strategy.
I can find, it is fatal to a Li Ion battery to go
completely dead, and that has often happened on our
laptops. Three of our relatively new laptops are
a Thinkpad, Dell, and an HP. I observe that the charge
light on the laptop goes off at some point. The HP
charger which feels hot when charging, feels cold to
the touch when the charge light goes off.
It seems to me tht the charging circuits in the laptops
are smart enough to leave the chargers plugged in all
the time.
I would appreciate comments from anyone who has adopted
a similar charging strategy.