Chuck Cox
Do you know of a bench power supply that runs from ~12vdc input? I'd
like to avoid using an inverter if possible. I don't need much
current or voltage and I'm pretty flexible about the specs and
features. Thanks in advance.
Chuck Cox
SynchroSystems - embedded computer design - http://synchro.com
mailto:chuckPORK@synchro.com mailto:cccoxPORK@fas.harvard.edu
my email is politician-proof, just remove the PORK
like to avoid using an inverter if possible. I don't need much
current or voltage and I'm pretty flexible about the specs and
features. Thanks in advance.
Chuck Cox
SynchroSystems - embedded computer design - http://synchro.com
mailto:chuckPORK@synchro.com mailto:cccoxPORK@fas.harvard.edu
my email is politician-proof, just remove the PORK