Stock fault ?
Phones o/p but no sp o/p. Both pcb traces to the main bridge rects fried.
2xLM3886 seem ok cold DVM "test".
Both main caps good ESR and capacity, diodes test ok.
Both main caps bowed ends and one with brownish dried "wax" at the
cross, presumably electrolyte but no hole seen.
All the caps on the PA are Xunda, don't remember seeing that name
before, suspect? presumably China.
Main caps are radial Xunda RK series, 3300uF,50V 105 deg C, the supposed
glue to the pcb has (heat?)failed and they can flop around on axial-type
gauge of terminals, not snap-in.
Phones o/p but no sp o/p. Both pcb traces to the main bridge rects fried.
2xLM3886 seem ok cold DVM "test".
Both main caps good ESR and capacity, diodes test ok.
Both main caps bowed ends and one with brownish dried "wax" at the
cross, presumably electrolyte but no hole seen.
All the caps on the PA are Xunda, don't remember seeing that name
before, suspect? presumably China.
Main caps are radial Xunda RK series, 3300uF,50V 105 deg C, the supposed
glue to the pcb has (heat?)failed and they can flop around on axial-type
gauge of terminals, not snap-in.