beginners digital home study



Heathkit had a wonderful basic electronics
home study package. They're out of business.
Anyone else have something like it today?

The Heathkit courses had trainer kits that
came along with them. They were available
in the 70's. Intro to digital logic,
microprocessors, were two names I remember.
They were basic - not heavy on the math.

Looking for my son - who spends too much damn
time on his pc. He loves this stuff, so might
as well try and educate him.

hfs2 wrote:
Heathkit had a wonderful basic electronics
home study package. They're out of business.
Anyone else have something like it today?

The Heathkit courses had trainer kits that
came along with them. They were available
in the 70's. Intro to digital logic,
microprocessors, were two names I remember.
They were basic - not heavy on the math.

Looking for my son - who spends too much damn
time on his pc. He loves this stuff, so might
as well try and educate him.

Heathkit is not out of business, they changed their direction.
I say, the boy is so stupid that he tried to make a back up copy of his
hard drive on the Xerox machine!

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
"hfs2" <> wrote in message
Heathkit had a wonderful basic electronics
home study package. They're out of business.
Anyone else have something like it today?

The Heathkit courses had trainer kits that
came along with them. They were available
in the 70's. Intro to digital logic,
microprocessors, were two names I remember.
They were basic - not heavy on the math.

Looking for my son - who spends too much damn
time on his pc. He loves this stuff, so might
as well try and educate him.

Try this: (hfs2) wrote:

Heathkit had a wonderful basic electronics
home study package. They're out of business.
Anyone else have something like it today?

The Heathkit courses had trainer kits that
came along with them. They were available
in the 70's. Intro to digital logic,
microprocessors, were two names I remember.
They were basic - not heavy on the math.

Looking for my son - who spends too much damn
time on his pc. He loves this stuff, so might
as well try and educate him.

You can still find those trainers on Ebay. Search for HeathKit.

More about me:
VB3/VB6/C/PowerBasic source code:
Freeware for the Palm with NS Basic source code:
Drivers for Pablo graphics tablet and JamCam cameras:
johnecarter at@at mindspring com. Fix the obvious to reply by email.
"hfs2" <> wrote in message
Heathkit had a wonderful basic electronics
home study package. They're out of business.
Anyone else have something like it today?

The Heathkit courses had trainer kits that
came along with them. They were available
in the 70's. Intro to digital logic,
microprocessors, were two names I remember.
They were basic - not heavy on the math.

Looking for my son - who spends too much damn
time on his pc. He loves this stuff, so might
as well try and educate him.

Mebbe you could start him off on some "Pics" ?
All the gear is available in many forms and he would be able to get more or
less instant satisfaction without too much gear ??

Regards ............... Rheilly Phoull
Rheilly Phoull wrote:
"hfs2" <> wrote in message
Heathkit had a wonderful basic electronics
home study package. They're out of business.
Anyone else have something like it today?

The Heathkit courses had trainer kits that
came along with them. They were available
in the 70's. Intro to digital logic,
microprocessors, were two names I remember.
They were basic - not heavy on the math.

Looking for my son - who spends too much damn
time on his pc. He loves this stuff, so might
as well try and educate him.


Mebbe you could start him off on some "Pics" ?
Oh fucking just STOP! You want to stop his learning before he's
even begun!

-Steve Walz
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!! or

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