Beginner Questions

Hello. I'm getting back into electronics after a long abscense, and I
need some help. Does anyone know where I might find instructions for
some of the old Science Fair kits that Radio Shack used to sell? In
particular, I'm looking for the instructions for the AM transmitter. I
have a kit, but no instructions. All the parts seem to be there, but
there's a coil that needs to be wound, and I'm not sure how to go about

The only other thing I'd like to know for now is of a good source for
conductive epoxy. I have an old ZX81 computer with a bad membrane
keypad, and I'd like to see if I could make another. Seems the keypads
are hard to come by these days.

Thanks for any advice!

Ralph Glatt
Thanks, Roger. I think I might be able to do that.

Ralph Glatt
Hi Ralph,
Sincus (Timex club in NY is still avtive) and some members have spare
XZ81's. Email me directly and I will provide a contact for you.

Welcome to

