

Captin Kirk

Every time we try to beam up tribbles , they beam into the transporter room
looking like cats and not Tribbles .

Should we look for cold solder joints on the transporter control board ? Or
should we just use them as is , to control the mice population aboard the
USS Enterprise ? Could the problem be a bad eprom chip ?

Kirk out .
"Captin Kirk" <kirk@kirk.kirk> wrote in message
Every time we try to beam up tribbles , they beam into the transporter
looking like cats and not Tribbles .

Should we look for cold solder joints on the transporter control board ?
should we just use them as is , to control the mice population aboard the
USS Enterprise ? Could the problem be a bad eprom chip ?

Kirk out .

It could be a problem with the filter caps in the anti-matter generator ,
feeding the transporter board with dirty voltage . Ask Mr Spock to check the
voltage with a 100,000,000 tetrahertz oscilloscope . I like tribbles , they
taste like chicken .
It could be a problem with the filter caps in the anti-matter generator ,
feeding the transporter board with dirty voltage . Ask Mr Spock to check
voltage with a 100,000,000 tetrahertz oscilloscope .
Bullshit! First you have to collect as much cerumen you can from your ears,
then you have to impregnate a MARS (tm) or MilkyWay (tm) wrapping with it.
Then collect some dirt between your toes and cover the impregnated wrapping
with it. Then you have to put this home made capacitor, which capacity
should be exactly 47 GigaF, between the green and the yellow wires.
"Tim Kettring" bravely wrote to "All" (12 May 04 02:30:13)
--- on the heady topic of "Re: Beam"

TK> From: "Tim Kettring" <>

TK> "Captin Kirk" <kirk@kirk.kirk> wrote in message
Every time we try to beam up tribbles , they beam into the transporter
looking like cats and not Tribbles .

Should we look for cold solder joints on the transporter control board ?
should we just use them as is , to control the mice population aboard the
USS Enterprise ? Could the problem be a bad eprom chip ?

Kirk out .

TK> It could be a problem with the filter caps in the anti-matter
TK> generator , feeding the transporter board with dirty voltage . Ask Mr
TK> Spock to check the voltage with a 100,000,000 tetrahertz oscilloscope .
TK> I like tribbles , they taste like chicken .

Hell it does! Everything tastes more or less like chicken anyways!
But chickens are a heck of a lot easier to pluck, one can't tell
which end is which on a Tribble!

.... Bad Beer Rots Our Young Guts But Vodka Goes Well.

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