can somebody help me? I want to call the function CountMinterm(...) of
the BDD-package CUDD in my C++ code. I wrote
DdNode * n = manager->ReadVars(0);
double satc = manager->CountMinterm(n, varAnz);
cout << "Es koennen " << satc << " viele Fahrzeuge gebaut werden." <<
But I receive the error message "Fehler: ťclass CuddŤ hat kein Element
namens ťCountMintermŤ"
Where is the error in my code?
Many thanks,
Monika Gehweiler
can somebody help me? I want to call the function CountMinterm(...) of
the BDD-package CUDD in my C++ code. I wrote
DdNode * n = manager->ReadVars(0);
double satc = manager->CountMinterm(n, varAnz);
cout << "Es koennen " << satc << " viele Fahrzeuge gebaut werden." <<
But I receive the error message "Fehler: ťclass CuddŤ hat kein Element
namens ťCountMintermŤ"
Where is the error in my code?
Many thanks,
Monika Gehweiler