Thomas Womack
OK, the next-generation parts at both application grades from both
manufacturers are now announced. I've not been around for long enough
to know how long to expect between announcement and availability at
the hobbyist level; is Christmas 2005 for Cyclone II (announced today)
dev boards reasonable?
It's nice to see reasonably serious levels of DSP appearing at the
low-end parts, though I'm a little disappointed that we're not seeing
seas of floating-point units in the high end, even in the Virtex 4SX;
those can be so much smaller as macrocells than built out of logic.
What _is_ the business about "maximum toggle frequency 500MHz (for
export control)" in the Spartan3 datasheet?
I was contemplating real-time fractal generators, and it's not clear
that a 4+50 x 4+50 -> 4+50 fixed-point triple-precision multiplier
built in a Spartan 3 would be price-competitive with small piles of
PCs; rough summing of propagation delays suggest you can get three,
with 10-15ns propagation, into an XC3S1000. Which is 200-300Mflops,
and with small-volume costs and board-building charges I don't see I
could get the price below the $100 required to compete on
price/performance with Athlon64.
Whatever happens, these will be wonderful things to play with; many
thanks to everybody involved in bringing on the Era of Programmable
manufacturers are now announced. I've not been around for long enough
to know how long to expect between announcement and availability at
the hobbyist level; is Christmas 2005 for Cyclone II (announced today)
dev boards reasonable?
It's nice to see reasonably serious levels of DSP appearing at the
low-end parts, though I'm a little disappointed that we're not seeing
seas of floating-point units in the high end, even in the Virtex 4SX;
those can be so much smaller as macrocells than built out of logic.
What _is_ the business about "maximum toggle frequency 500MHz (for
export control)" in the Spartan3 datasheet?
I was contemplating real-time fractal generators, and it's not clear
that a 4+50 x 4+50 -> 4+50 fixed-point triple-precision multiplier
built in a Spartan 3 would be price-competitive with small piles of
PCs; rough summing of propagation delays suggest you can get three,
with 10-15ns propagation, into an XC3S1000. Which is 200-300Mflops,
and with small-volume costs and board-building charges I don't see I
could get the price below the $100 required to compete on
price/performance with Athlon64.
Whatever happens, these will be wonderful things to play with; many
thanks to everybody involved in bringing on the Era of Programmable