I am looking to send the voltage of a 24V battery pack back to the ADC
of my microprocessor. This is to monitory the current voltage of the
battery, which will ultimately be used to display this voltage when
necessary. I recognize that when there is a significant current draw,
the voltage of the battery will be lower than under no-load conditions.
But, to measure the voltage level of the battery simply when it is in
a no-load state, can I just use a simple voltage divider, with a cap on
the lower leg to capacitate the voltage output to the ADC? What are
the drawbacks of this method?
Is there a better way to do this so that I can check the "power left in
the battery" at any given time, and not have to wait for a no-load
of my microprocessor. This is to monitory the current voltage of the
battery, which will ultimately be used to display this voltage when
necessary. I recognize that when there is a significant current draw,
the voltage of the battery will be lower than under no-load conditions.
But, to measure the voltage level of the battery simply when it is in
a no-load state, can I just use a simple voltage divider, with a cap on
the lower leg to capacitate the voltage output to the ADC? What are
the drawbacks of this method?
Is there a better way to do this so that I can check the "power left in
the battery" at any given time, and not have to wait for a no-load