At last count, I have some dozen items in the house
that use AA batterys.

I usually test 'em by setting my ( analog ) VOM to 500ma
then seeing how much the battery swings the needle.
The battery is "good" if it still puts out 100ma.

It occurs to me there should be a smaller,
easier tester for AA batterys.

Shouldn't need more than a LED, resistor, maybe a zener ??
( I'd like a <go> <no-go> indication )

What is the criteria for a "good" AA battery ?
1 volt out @ 100ma load ??

On Sun, 15 Feb 2004 15:10:54 -0500, "<RJ>" <>

At last count, I have some dozen items in the house
that use AA batterys.

I usually test 'em by setting my ( analog ) VOM to 500ma
then seeing how much the battery swings the needle.
The battery is "good" if it still puts out 100ma.

It occurs to me there should be a smaller,
easier tester for AA batterys.
Radio Shack has a little tester (cat # 22-093 if they still use that
part number series (mine is ancient)). It's basically what you already
have -- an ammeter with a load resistor -- but it's handy, pretty
inexpensive, and survives years in the "miscellaneous drawer."

Rich Webb Norfolk, VA

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