Hi guys.
I have a 10(?) year old battery charger. It doesn't detect when a
battery has been charged. I must remember to turn it off or remove the
batteries. A real pain in the @$$.
It also doesn't take D size so I want to get a new charger that does.
I remember a friend had a charger that displayed a red LED when
charging & changed to a green LED when the A batteries it accepted were
I went to a Dick Smith & the charger they showed me didn't detect a
full charge. You had to get the charge duration out of the instruction
sheet. It was pretty clear they new nothing about battery chargers.
Maybe someone here can help me. Are there charges that take up to D
size & detect when a battery is charged & stop charging?
Thanx 4 looking.
I have a 10(?) year old battery charger. It doesn't detect when a
battery has been charged. I must remember to turn it off or remove the
batteries. A real pain in the @$$.
It also doesn't take D size so I want to get a new charger that does.
I remember a friend had a charger that displayed a red LED when
charging & changed to a green LED when the A batteries it accepted were
I went to a Dick Smith & the charger they showed me didn't detect a
full charge. You had to get the charge duration out of the instruction
sheet. It was pretty clear they new nothing about battery chargers.
Maybe someone here can help me. Are there charges that take up to D
size & detect when a battery is charged & stop charging?
Thanx 4 looking.