
1.what is diff between log base "e" &log base "10"?
2. why we cant transmit all cabel channels in antenna?
3.cable operators use dish antenna to get the channels &
why india can own a dish & transmit the channels? dd channel is transmitted all over india & why not for other
On Thu, 29 Jan 2009 04:10:36 -0800 (PST), din25390
<> wrote:

1.what is diff between log base "e" &log base "10"?
Logs can be converted from one base to another by
dviding by the log (in the current base) of the
target base. For example, to convert a base "e"
value (ln) to log10, divide by ln(10). Let's say
you have ln(5) = 1.609. Divide by ln(10) = 2.3035
to get 0.69897, which is log10(5).

<rest snipped>

Best regards,

Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Sound Level Meter
FREE Signal Generator
Science with your sound card!
On Thu, 29 Jan 2009 04:10:36 -0800 (PST), din25390
<> wrote:

1.what is diff between log base "e" &log base "10"?
A logarithm of X to base Y simply says: "Given this equation, X=Y^A,
and supplied values for X and Y, find the value of A that satisfies
the equation." From that you should immediately see the difference
and similarities.

On Thu, 29 Jan 2009 04:10:36 -0800, din25390 wrote:

1.what is diff between log base "e" &log base "10"?
See Wikipedia. ln(e^x) = x, log10(10^x) = x.

2. why we cant
transmit all cabel channels in antenna?
Because cable has more bandwidth than your average antenna, and because
the frequency content on cable is already allocated for other users -- so
while it's technically feasible with a bit of work, your local spectrum
cops would be knocking on your door if you tried it.

3.cable operators use dish
antenna to get the channels &
why india can own a dish & transmit the channels?
Why not? dd channel is transmitted all over india & why not for other
Because it's only of interest to Indians? If you mean "why is it only
available to satellite dishes in India etc., etc., then it's because
there's a geostationary satellite just for India (and maybe its near
neighbors), and that's the one that has the channel.

On Thu, 29 Jan 2009 04:10:36 -0800, din25390 wrote:

1.what is diff between log base "e" &log base "10"?
It should be in your textbook.

2. why we cant transmit all cabel channels in antenna?
They _could_, but they don't because there's no way to get paid by those
who have an antenna.

Hope This Helps!
On 2009-01-29, din25390 <> wrote:
1.what is diff between log base "e" &log base "10"?
a factor of 10/e

2. why we cant transmit all cabel channels in antenna?
can, but expensive..

3.cable operators use dish antenna to get the channels &
why india can own a dish & transmit the channels?
why not dd channel is transmitted all over india & why not for other

is this someone's homework.

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