Basic objects in Eagle schematic


Eric Bauld

I am trying to build a basic circuit in eagle and have found components
that I was unable to find in other basic software. (such as mosfet,
thermistor etc)
But I cannot find these basic items in the schematic.
- A incandescent bulb
- A simple on - off switch

Can only find an LED and a switch with multiple connections.

First time I have used Eagle, previous I was just using Dia to layout
simple traces.
Eric Bauld wrote:

I am trying to build a basic circuit in eagle and have found
components that I was unable to find in other basic software. (such as
mosfet, thermistor etc)
But I cannot find these basic items in the schematic.
- A incandescent bulb
- A simple on - off switch

Can only find an LED and a switch with multiple connections.

First time I have used Eagle, previous I was just using Dia to layout
simple traces.
For switches look
in "special.lbr" , "switch-misc.lbr" , "switch-omron.lbr" , "switch.lbr
for bulbs and lamps you might have to create your own !

Best Regards:
Eric Bauld wrote:
First time I have used Eagle,
previous I was just using Dia to layout simple traces.

People who are trying to decide *which* ECAD package to use
should **first** read Markus Zingg's Usenet post about EAGLE.*-*-*-Santa-Barbara+Kevin.Bolding+KiCAD+BIG-caveat+Markus.Zingg+FreePCB+zzz+Easily-*-*-*-*+counter-intuitive

I am trying to build a basic circuit in eagle and have found components
that I was unable to find in other basic software.

Again, I advise reading Markus' post BEFORE doing this.

(such as mosfet, thermistor etc)
But I cannot find these basic items in the schematic.
- A incandescent bulb
- A simple on - off switch

Can only find an LED and a switch with multiple connections.

A basic skill of using an ECAD
is learning how to use the Library Editor.
Prof. Bolding's are the gold standard for EAGLE tutorials.

Several of the links in my old post are now dead
or deprecated (Google deprecated their old syntax).

If you're interested,
you may find old copies of those pages in the Wayback Machine:

....and, as noted in that post,
the _best_ place for EAGLE info is Cadsoft's own groups
and Cadsoft's site.
On May 30, 11:30 am, JeffM <> wrote:
Eric Bauld wrote:
First time I have usedEagle,
previous I was just using Dia to layout simple traces.

People who are trying to decide *which* ECAD package to use
should **first** read Markus Zingg's Usenet post aboutEAGLE.

I am trying to build a basic circuit ineagleand have found components
that I was unable to find in other basic software.

Again, I advise reading Markus' post BEFORE doing this.

(such as mosfet, thermistor etc)
But I cannot find these basic items in the schematic.
  - A incandescent bulb
  - A simple on - offswitch

Can only find an LED and aswitchwith multiple connections.

A basic skill of using an ECAD
is learning how to use the Library Editor.
Prof. Bolding's are the gold standard forEAGLEtutorials.

Several of the links in my old post are now dead
or deprecated (Google deprecated their old syntax).

If you're interested,
you may find old copies of those pages in the Wayback Machine:

...and, as noted in that post,
the _best_ place forEAGLEinfo is Cadsoft's own groups
and Cadsoft's site.
Thanks, I managed to find the library editor and follow some
to get the parts I required for the schematic.

Fairly new to this so I did not know it even existed.

Now that I know it is there, should make things easier.

- Thanks

*had to post via google groups. My mail server is broken :(

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