I picked up some optocouplers cheap from the bargain bin. I was
expecting to find 4 useful pins (2 in, 2 out, 2NC), but these turned
out to be 4N32 units with a mysterious pin 6 connected to the base of
the output phototransistor. Can I ground this pin to get the device
to work as a 4 pin coupler? Connect it to supply voltage?
I just want to switch the output side on/off without an electrical
connection to the circuit on the input side, no amplification,
inversion, etc required.
expecting to find 4 useful pins (2 in, 2 out, 2NC), but these turned
out to be 4N32 units with a mysterious pin 6 connected to the base of
the output phototransistor. Can I ground this pin to get the device
to work as a 4 pin coupler? Connect it to supply voltage?
I just want to switch the output side on/off without an electrical
connection to the circuit on the input side, no amplification,
inversion, etc required.