Again thanks for the help. Dummy me, test all the new back lights
individually and assume that problem is solved. WRONG! Upon plugging the
power cord in, no flash. Stuck my trusty meter on XP702 and it initially
goes over 200V, then peters out a few volts per second like there\'s no
load whatsoever. It appears to be draining slowly into the power supply.
Time to take all the screens apart again and find where the break is.
individually and assume that problem is solved. WRONG! Upon plugging the
power cord in, no flash. Stuck my trusty meter on XP702 and it initially
goes over 200V, then peters out a few volts per second like there\'s no
load whatsoever. It appears to be draining slowly into the power supply.
Time to take all the screens apart again and find where the break is.