B&K Precision semiconductor curve tracer model 501A - Almost


Sam Goldwasser

Pay shipping in the USA and just enough more to make it worthwhile to
keep these out of the land fill. I have 3 or 4 of these.

B&K Precision semiconductor curve tracer model 501A. This unit can be
used to determine the health of almost any low power diode,
transistor, or FET. It is designed to connect to the vertical and
horizontal inputs of an oscilloscope in X/Y mode and displays a family
of 6 curves for steps in input current or voltage (X), while
monitoring output current (Y). Input steps of 1 uA to 2 mA; 50 mV to
1 V. Test voltage of 0 to 100 V. Output sensitivity of 1 to 10
mA/div. Dual sockets as well as bananna jacks for DUTs; Bananna jacks
for scope connections. These were university EE lab units and are,
shall we say, somewhat beat up. (Broken in! Nothing a new paint job
wouldn't cure though.) Instruction manuals are available from various
sources. As-is, untested, anything should be repairable. Else, out
they go.

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