B&K 2635's For Sale



Hi all, I have a two used B&K 2635 charging amplifiers that have just
come back from B&K after having a full UKAS callibration and went
thought without any issues.
If I were to sell these on the open market, could anyone offer any
advice as to a fair selling price. I have searched extensively but up
until now I have only found companies renting them out.
The companies selling them did not even list the price, which seems a
bit odd.
None of these units have been sold on Ebay anywhere in the world so I
cannot get a guide price from there either.

Thanks in advance

Regards Alan
alandav123 wrote:
Hi all, I have a two used B&K 2635 charging amplifiers
If someone were to *actually* READ the original post, the OP was
!asking! what a fair price might be; the OP was *NOT* trying to sell the
Robert Baer wrote:
If someone were to *actually* READ the original post, the OP was
!asking! what a fair price might be; the OP was *NOT* trying to sell the

Put them on ebay and find out when someone buys them. That's what
they are worth, no more and no less.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

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