I can't connect my avr atmega32 to my pc with matlab
does it have any secret
i can use the micro as an echo to transmit what it recieves
but i cant sent any type of data by the micro
I want two sent 2 number ;ten times in a sec
how i can do it
I sent putchar(0xaaaa);
i recieved in codevision avr terminal this: -------- for ASCII and E0
00 for hex
and in matlab i recived un aligned numbers
so I thought may be databit parity and such a thing is my problem
but it was'nt
the setting for avr and matlab are the same
help me please!
does it have any secret
i can use the micro as an echo to transmit what it recieves
but i cant sent any type of data by the micro
I want two sent 2 number ;ten times in a sec
how i can do it
I sent putchar(0xaaaa);
i recieved in codevision avr terminal this: -------- for ASCII and E0
00 for hex
and in matlab i recived un aligned numbers
so I thought may be databit parity and such a thing is my problem
but it was'nt
the setting for avr and matlab are the same
help me please!