The sealed lead acid batteries are not totally sealed and do vent some
mist of sulphuric acid.
The manufacturers say not to charge in a confined space, but the biggest
problem as I can see is that this is quite corrosive to electronic
components, with several reports of it eating pcb tracks, attacking a
crystal in a very high quality oscillator so much it could not be put
onto frequency etc.
Has anyone found an answer to this problem? Sometimes you want battery
backup in a case with electronic components, but it seems they don't
exist too well with each other.
I've been thinking whether there is any checmical solution, such that
you place a sacrificial chemical that will be more reachive with the
gases, leaving less to attack your components. Of course, any byproducts
would have to be non-corrostive.
I've also thought about sealing the batteries in a plastic bag. The bag
and expand/contract as and when the batteies vent cases, but they are
kept inside the bag. I'm not sure if the batteries would like this
though. Any you still have the problem of sealing around the leads.
mist of sulphuric acid.
The manufacturers say not to charge in a confined space, but the biggest
problem as I can see is that this is quite corrosive to electronic
components, with several reports of it eating pcb tracks, attacking a
crystal in a very high quality oscillator so much it could not be put
onto frequency etc.
Has anyone found an answer to this problem? Sometimes you want battery
backup in a case with electronic components, but it seems they don't
exist too well with each other.
I've been thinking whether there is any checmical solution, such that
you place a sacrificial chemical that will be more reachive with the
gases, leaving less to attack your components. Of course, any byproducts
would have to be non-corrostive.
I've also thought about sealing the batteries in a plastic bag. The bag
and expand/contract as and when the batteies vent cases, but they are
kept inside the bag. I'm not sure if the batteries would like this
though. Any you still have the problem of sealing around the leads.