*AVOID* AST-Global (astglobal-dot-com) on eBay!

I bought a unit stated as "parts only" and most of the parts
were missing or labeled bad. The unit was intentionally
photographed in such a way that made it impractical to tell,
and the bozo that owns the place told me point blank that I
was stuck with it because he paid more for it than it bid
for in the auction (think about that, they have no brains,
so you are EXPECTED to pay for any stupid business decisions
they make!).

They have a LOT of items for sale right now, and most are
going without bids, which should tell you how many people
these jerks have screwed over.

So, you can ignore this warning, but even if you
successfully bought from them before like I did a time or
two, I believe the true measure of a person is not what
happens when they are happy, but how they step up to the
plate in the face of challenge. I can assure you from my
experience (twice in one time frame), if these bozo's get to
feeling challenged, they have no morals, and they will not
think twice about screwing you. If you know anyone
potentially buying in the electronics market on eBay, do
them a favor and please warn them!
jdworley@hiwaay.net wrote:
I bought a unit stated as "parts only" and most of the parts
were missing or labeled bad. The unit was intentionally
photographed in such a way that made it impractical to tell,
and the bozo that owns the place told me point blank that I
was stuck with it because he paid more for it than it bid
for in the auction (think about that, they have no brains,
so you are EXPECTED to pay for any stupid business decisions
they make!).

They have a LOT of items for sale right now, and most are
going without bids, which should tell you how many people
these jerks have screwed over.

So, you can ignore this warning, but even if you
successfully bought from them before like I did a time or
two, I believe the true measure of a person is not what
happens when they are happy, but how they step up to the
plate in the face of challenge. I can assure you from my
experience (twice in one time frame), if these bozo's get to
feeling challenged, they have no morals, and they will not
think twice about screwing you. If you know anyone
potentially buying in the electronics market on eBay, do
them a favor and please warn them!
Yeah, it happened to me once too, so I know how you feel.

I reported it to ebay, they investigated, and cancelled
their account. (If you check their feedback, it now says
"not a user".

But they were back within a couple of days, using a
different name.

I've read enough bad experiences with eBay to convince me that buying used
junk on that forum is a bad way to go. One of the worst things that I read
about was that people that sell items, turn around and login under other
accounts and schill the items that they are selling! They submit higher
bids to push up the prices on their items.

eBay is a minefield of fraud that's been corrupted to the point where there
exists only the perception of a bargain to be had.

<jdworley@hiwaay.net> wrote in message news:408E9940.E1A049E9@hiwaay.net...
I bought a unit stated as "parts only" and most of the parts
were missing or labeled bad. The unit was intentionally
photographed in such a way that made it impractical to tell,
and the bozo that owns the place told me point blank that I
was stuck with it because he paid more for it than it bid
for in the auction (think about that, they have no brains,
so you are EXPECTED to pay for any stupid business decisions
they make!).

They have a LOT of items for sale right now, and most are
going without bids, which should tell you how many people
these jerks have screwed over.

So, you can ignore this warning, but even if you
successfully bought from them before like I did a time or
two, I believe the true measure of a person is not what
happens when they are happy, but how they step up to the
plate in the face of challenge. I can assure you from my
experience (twice in one time frame), if these bozo's get to
feeling challenged, they have no morals, and they will not
think twice about screwing you. If you know anyone
potentially buying in the electronics market on eBay, do
them a favor and please warn them!
"Bob F." <bobf@phantom.com> wrote in message
I've read enough bad experiences with eBay to convince me that buying used
junk on that forum is a bad way to go. One of the worst things that I
about was that people that sell items, turn around and login under other
accounts and schill the items that they are selling! They submit higher
bids to push up the prices on their items.

eBay is a minefield of fraud that's been corrupted to the point where
exists only the perception of a bargain to be had.
I have bought a few things on Ebay with 0% problem. I have also sold some
login under other
accounts and schill the items that they are selling! They submit higher
bids to push up the prices on their items.

eBay is a minefield of fraud that's been corrupted to the point where there
exists only the perception of a bargain to be had.
I disagree. You need brains to do business successfully. The world is full of
con-men and schills, not just eBay.

Use your noodle, you are now in the fool me once stage. OK, now there's nothing
wrong with letting people know, but that doesn't make the whole venue any worse
or better than any other. Not only is any online buying a gamble, any buying is
a gamble ! Think how nice that new car was until you found out that a brake job
costs $4000.00. Even large companies and banks routinely do things today that
they would go to jail for a scant two decades ago, and to top it off, it wasn't
that much better then !

It's been said that you can't scam an honest man, but now it's not true
anymore. You weren't looking for something for nothing here, but when you find
people who are actually trying to do just that, they are alot easier to scam.

Now if you see something like:

Unit believed to be fully functional pior to the failure of the power
transformer, note, the knobs are gone, but the front panel is otherwise intact.

If the description is limited, well, you might just get junk. People are also
crafty in their descriptions sometimes, and if you can't lodge a complaint that
legitimately disproves their statement, they'll be hard to get rid of, to say
the least. And save all emails, and tell the buyer to consider your emails as
well as anything he sends you to be public.

Y'all keep saving up those 2 centses and when you got $1000000 I'l make the
rounds and collect them up. Then I'll scrap them for the copper.they'll be
worth more by then) Now that's the biggest scam by far, a fiat currency. but
that's off the subject, and as of now I am off the soapbox.

"Ken Weitzel" <kweitzel@shaw.ca> wrote in message
jdworley@hiwaay.net wrote:
I bought a unit stated as "parts only" and most of the parts
were missing or labeled bad. The unit was intentionally
photographed in such a way that made it impractical to tell,
and the bozo that owns the place told me point blank that I
was stuck with it because he paid more for it than it bid
for in the auction (think about that, they have no brains,
so you are EXPECTED to pay for any stupid business decisions
they make!).

They have a LOT of items for sale right now, and most are
going without bids, which should tell you how many people
these jerks have screwed over.

So, you can ignore this warning, but even if you
successfully bought from them before like I did a time or
two, I believe the true measure of a person is not what
happens when they are happy, but how they step up to the
plate in the face of challenge. I can assure you from my
experience (twice in one time frame), if these bozo's get to
feeling challenged, they have no morals, and they will not
think twice about screwing you. If you know anyone
potentially buying in the electronics market on eBay, do
them a favor and please warn them!

Yeah, it happened to me once too, so I know how you feel.

I reported it to ebay, they investigated, and cancelled
their account. (If you check their feedback, it now says
"not a user".

But they were back within a couple of days, using a
different name.


So what's their new Ebay name? I've never bought anything from them because
their shipping charges are exhorbitant. They charge $25 to ship an item
weighing only a couple pounds... and they aren't negotiable on anything.
Hardnosed, to say the least.

Dave M

Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad

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