AVO b183 LCR Meter



Need user manual for subject or the meaning of the Lo G en Hi inputs

Ceci est une signature automatique de MesNews.
Site : http://mesnews.no-ip.com
I would presume that Lo and Hi are the test terminals that you connect the
unknown inductor, resistor or capacitor to. "G" would be ground for any
shielding that may be part of the unknown device or to ground clamps or
whatever that might form part of a fixture that would plug into the three

As an example, a fixture could be made to clamp down surface mount parts,
ground would be applied to the hold down clamp.


"ALPI" <alain.pinchemail_nospam@skynet.be> wrote in message
Need user manual for subject or the meaning of the Lo G en Hi inputs

Ceci est une signature automatique de MesNews.
Site : http://mesnews.no-ip.com
The guard terminal 'G' has the same potential during measuring as the
Lo terminal, and is used as a screen. It is for use with screened
test leads (not those that are supplied as standard) On high value
inductors and low value capacitors , where capacitance between leads
can cause errors, screened leads can be used with the screens
connected to the guard circuit. It is also recommended that low
capacitance cable is used.

For all other measurements with the two leads supplied, connect the
black test lead to the 'Lo' socket and the red test lead to the 'Hi'

Il se trouve que water man a formulé :
The guard terminal 'G' has the same potential during measuring as the
Lo terminal, and is used as a screen. It is for use with screened
test leads (not those that are supplied as standard) On high value
inductors and low value capacitors , where capacitance between leads
can cause errors, screened leads can be used with the screens
connected to the guard circuit. It is also recommended that low
capacitance cable is used.

For all other measurements with the two leads supplied, connect the
black test lead to the 'Lo' socket and the red test lead to the 'Hi'

Thank you very much :D

Ceci est une signature automatique de MesNews.
Site : http://mesnews.no-ip.com

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