auriga repair



Hi I own a 19inch auriga,just out of warranty,it is over scanning if I
scroll left to right I can see all the screen,all the writing is huge,I
dischared all the caps and HT ,and have tested every elec cap on the board
with no luck all test fine,no resistor look over heated,any ideas were I
should look?any help would be great .
Thanks Martin

Can you control H-width? I bet you can not, so check horizontal stage.
Damper diode (usualy on same heatsink as HOT) could be a problem.


"hh" <> wrote in message
Hi I own a 19inch auriga,just out of warranty,it is over scanning if I
scroll left to right I can see all the screen,all the writing is huge,I
dischared all the caps and HT ,and have tested every elec cap on the board
with no luck all test fine,no resistor look over heated,any ideas were I
should look?any help would be great .
Thanks Martin
H.Width control FET or damper diode, usually.

"hh" <> wrote in message
Hi I own a 19inch auriga,just out of warranty,it is over scanning if I
scroll left to right I can see all the screen,all the writing is huge,I
dischared all the caps and HT ,and have tested every elec cap on the board
with no luck all test fine,no resistor look over heated,any ideas were I
should look?any help would be great .
Thanks Martin
Thanks heaps,I tested all parts on the heat sink and found a A1659A which I
gather is a 2sa1659a fully shorted,all the diodes checked out fine,is it a
FET or transistor there is a big K on the top line then under that A1659A
then on the bottom line Y 124??

"hh" <> wrote in message
Hi I own a 19inch auriga,just out of warranty,it is over scanning if I
scroll left to right I can see all the screen,all the writing is huge,I
dischared all the caps and HT ,and have tested every elec cap on the board
with no luck all test fine,no resistor look over heated,any ideas were I
should look?any help would be great .
Thanks Martin

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