I have been asked to design a series of Audio/Video switches by a company I
used to design for. They want to see 8 to 1 as well as 1 to 8 for both audio
and video. The last serious design I did was ten years ago, so I am assuming
that the the old Hitachi 506 and CD405* series Mux's have been improved upon
and replaced with something better?
As I started digging around looking for the best parts, I realized that maybe
some here would have an opinion as to what devices might be considered a good
fit for what I have been asked to do.
Probably too general a request, but I need to start somewhere and I am out of
the loop at the moment with vendors and sales people.
Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
used to design for. They want to see 8 to 1 as well as 1 to 8 for both audio
and video. The last serious design I did was ten years ago, so I am assuming
that the the old Hitachi 506 and CD405* series Mux's have been improved upon
and replaced with something better?
As I started digging around looking for the best parts, I realized that maybe
some here would have an opinion as to what devices might be considered a good
fit for what I have been asked to do.
Probably too general a request, but I need to start somewhere and I am out of
the loop at the moment with vendors and sales people.
Any suggestions would be most appreciated.