Eric Livingston
"Wim Ton" <wimton@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote in message
know how the cable pays out behind the wall - i.e. if I were to figure out
that the break is 10' along the cable, I can't really figure out where the
tenth foot is behind the wall. The cable takes too many turns and is routed
around things.
I've looked into this - the only real problem I have is I can't reliablyI have three speaker wires running just behind sheetrock along a wall in
house that have breaks in them somewhere (I believe from the contractor
firing nails through the wires when putting up the sheetrock). Two of
One possibilty is Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR)
Succes, Wim
know how the cable pays out behind the wall - i.e. if I were to figure out
that the break is 10' along the cable, I can't really figure out where the
tenth foot is behind the wall. The cable takes too many turns and is routed
around things.