Audio-grade low-voltage op-amp


Bob Masta

I'm looking for a low-voltage op-amp to be used as
a difference amp to provide DC coupling to a USB
sound card. So far, my quest has only turned up
rather s-l-o-o-w-w parts like the LT1013, LMV358,
TLV2472, TS914, etc. Typical slew rates are 0.4
V/us to 1 V/us, typical unity gain is 700 kHz to
2.8 MHz... about in the same speed league as the
old 741!

This will be a simple, classical difference amp,
unity gain overall. (So effectively x2 on the
non-inverting input.) I don't require true
rail-to-rail operation, but I'd like to get to
maybe half a volt, so I can swing +/- 2V about the
2.5V middle of a 5V supply.

For my immediate needs, any of those parts would
probably be fine, since at the moment I'm
interested in low-frequency measurements. But I'd
like to be able to use the whole frequency range
of the A/D, which can easily get to 20 kHz with a
48kHz sample rate, and much more for other models.

I'm not really looking for "audiophile" specs,
just something with more gain margin at the upper
end. (I'd be happy with a TL082 or
LF353-equivalent, but could run within a half volt
of the rails.)

Any recommendations?

Thanks, and best regards,

Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Sound Level Meter
FREE Signal Generator
Science with your sound card!
On Wed, 25 Feb 2009 13:29:32 GMT, (Bob Masta)

I'm looking for a low-voltage op-amp to be used as
a difference amp to provide DC coupling to a USB
sound card. So far, my quest has only turned up
rather s-l-o-o-w-w parts like the LT1013, LMV358,
TLV2472, TS914, etc. Typical slew rates are 0.4
V/us to 1 V/us, typical unity gain is 700 kHz to
2.8 MHz... about in the same speed league as the
old 741!

This will be a simple, classical difference amp,
unity gain overall. (So effectively x2 on the
non-inverting input.) I don't require true
rail-to-rail operation, but I'd like to get to
maybe half a volt, so I can swing +/- 2V about the
2.5V middle of a 5V supply.

For my immediate needs, any of those parts would
probably be fine, since at the moment I'm
interested in low-frequency measurements. But I'd
like to be able to use the whole frequency range
of the A/D, which can easily get to 20 kHz with a
48kHz sample rate, and much more for other models.

I'm not really looking for "audiophile" specs,
just something with more gain margin at the upper
end. (I'd be happy with a TL082 or
LF353-equivalent, but could run within a half volt
of the rails.)

Any recommendations?

LT1632 maybe.

Bob Masta wrote:

I'm looking for a low-voltage op-amp to be used as
a difference amp to provide DC coupling to a USB
sound card. So far, my quest has only turned up
rather s-l-o-o-w-w parts like the LT1013, LMV358,
TLV2472, TS914, etc. Typical slew rates are 0.4
V/us to 1 V/us, typical unity gain is 700 kHz to
2.8 MHz... about in the same speed league as the
old 741!

This will be a simple, classical difference amp,
unity gain overall. (So effectively x2 on the
non-inverting input.) I don't require true
rail-to-rail operation, but I'd like to get to
maybe half a volt, so I can swing +/- 2V about the
2.5V middle of a 5V supply.

For my immediate needs, any of those parts would
probably be fine, since at the moment I'm
interested in low-frequency measurements. But I'd
like to be able to use the whole frequency range
of the A/D, which can easily get to 20 kHz with a
48kHz sample rate, and much more for other models.

I'm not really looking for "audiophile" specs,
just something with more gain margin at the upper
end. (I'd be happy with a TL082 or
LF353-equivalent, but could run within a half volt
of the rails.)

Any recommendations?

Thanks, and best regards,

Bob Masta
I've recently developed an intense liking for the mchip 'MCP6024'.

I keep a one-few line record of interesting parts as they arrive on
market for future reference. 48kHz x 100 (rule of thumb guide) desired bandwidth of the order of 5+MHz. Looking back some
possibilities include,

National Semiconductor LMP2021, LMP2022, 5 Mhz, 2.6V/us, zero drift,
- 11 nV/sqrtHz noise at a gain of 1,000 V/V
VOS 0.4 ľV, 0.004 ľV/°C of input offset voltage drift (TCVOS),
2.2-5.5 V, 1.1 mA/channel, -40°C to 125°C,
EMI hardened, 8-pin SOIC and 8-pin MSOP
Obviously exceptional DC performance and 5MHz BW, a rare
combination, plus low v.power & EMI hardening.
(Two other recent near zero Voffset amps are the low bandwidth
MAX4208/MAX4209H [750kHz], the TI INA333 [150 kHz].
Also the LTC6078 at 750kHz)
Linear Technology LTC6241/2 18MHz, 10V/us typ, 125uVos max.,
+/-5.5Vmax or +/-6Vmax, 2.4mA/amp, R2RO, -40 -> 85degC.,
single, dual, DFN, SO8, SSOP16, LM6211 24V
20MHz SOT23-5 R2Routput lownoise
Good set of specs.
Linear Technology LTC6244 50MHz, 40V/us, 40uVos typ, 325uVos max,
6V or +/-5.25V (HV part),
4.8mA/channel, 8nVsqrtHz, R2R, dual-DFN-
National Semiconuctor LMV791/2 17MHz, 8.5V/us, lownoise, 0.1Vos typ
(+/-1.65Vos max.), 1.15/1.3mA, R2RO,
-40-125degC, TSOT23-6, MSOP-10,
LMV796/7 is similar
National Semiconductor LME49720, 55 MHz GBW, 20V/us, (THD+N) of
0.00003% (600-Ohm Ro), 0.1Vos typ, 2.7 nV/sqrt Hz,
Io 26mA, 10mA Isupply typ.
AD8250/1/3 10MHz, 20V/us, +/-15V, 0.27mVos typ (G=1), 10ppm/degC
gain drift, 4.1mA Isupply,
MSOP10 instrumentation opamp, 1,2,4,8 and 1,2,5,10
TI TLC070/1/2/3 10MHz, 16V/us typ., 0.39mVos typ. (1.9mV max.), 1.9mA/
channel, 16 Vsupply max., 8/10MSOP
(the datasheet claims 60uVos in the features,
1.5mV max. in the intro., then 0.39mVtyp/1.9mVmax. in the specs.)
TI OPA2889, 115MHz, 250V/us, 460 ľA Iquiescent, 18 ľA when not in
use, +/5mV Vos,
2.6 to 12 Vsupply, ą1.3 to ą6 Vsupply, Vo/p swing
8 Vp-p, Io ą40 mA, SOIC-8 & MSOP-10, low power, however large Vos.



On Feb 25, 1:29 pm, (Bob Masta) wrote:
I'm looking for a low-voltage op-amp to be used as
a difference amp to provide DC coupling to a USB
sound card. So far, my quest has only turned up
rather s-l-o-o-w-w parts like the LT1013, LMV358,
TLV2472, TS914, etc. Typical slew rates are 0.4
V/us to 1 V/us, typical unity gain is 700 kHz to
2.8 MHz... about in the same speed league as the
old 741!

This will be a simple, classical difference amp,
unity gain overall. (So effectively x2 on the
non-inverting input.) I don't require true
rail-to-rail operation, but I'd like to get to
maybe half a volt, so I can swing +/- 2V about the
2.5V middle of a 5V supply.

For my immediate needs, any of those parts would
probably be fine, since at the moment I'm
interested in low-frequency measurements. But I'd
like to be able to use the whole frequency range
of the A/D, which can easily get to 20 kHz with a
48kHz sample rate, and much more for other models.

I'm not really looking for "audiophile" specs,
just something with more gain margin at the upper
end. (I'd be happy with a TL082 or
LF353-equivalent, but could run within a half volt
of the rails.)

Any recommendations?

Thanks, and best regards,

Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Sound Level Meter
FREE Signal Generator
Science with your sound card!

I keep a one-few line record of interesting parts as they arrive on
market for future reference. 48kHz x 100 (rule of thumb guide) desired bandwidth of the order of 5+MHz. Looking back some
possibilities include,

National Semiconductor LMP2021, LMP2022, 5 Mhz, 2.6V/us, zero drift,
11 nV/sqrtHz noise at a gain of 1,000 V/V
VOS 0.4 ľV, 0.004 ľV/°C of input offset voltage drift (TCVOS),
2.2-5.5 V, 1.1 mA/channel, -40°C to 125°C,
EMI hardened, 8-pin SOIC and 8-pin MSOP
Obviously exceptional DC performance and 5MHz BW, a rare
combination, plus low v.power & EMI hardening.
(Two other recent near zero Voffset amps are the low bandwidth
MAX4208/MAX4209H [750kHz], the TI INA333 [150 kHz].
Also the LTC6078 at 750kHz)

Linear Technology LTC6241/2 18MHz, 10V/us typ, 125uVos max.,
+/-5.5Vmax or +/-6Vmax, 2.4mA/amp, R2RO,
-40 -> 85degC.,
single, dual, DFN, SO8, SSOP16, LM6211 24V
20MHz SOT23-5 R2Routput lownoise
Good set of specs.

Linear Technology LTC6244 50MHz, 40V/us, 40uVos typ, 325uVos max,
6V or +/-5.25V (HV part),
4.8mA/channel, 8nVsqrtHz, R2R, dual-DFN-

National Semiconuctor LMV791/2 17MHz, 8.5V/us, lownoise, 0.1Vos typ
(+/-1.65Vos max.), 1.15/1.3mA, R2RO,
-40-125degC, TSOT23-6, MSOP-10,
LMV796/7 is similar

National Semiconductor LME49720, 55 MHz GBW, 20V/us, (THD+N) of
0.00003% (600-Ohm Ro), 0.1Vos typ,
2.7 nV/sqrt Hz,
Io 26mA, 10mA Isupply typ.

AD8250/1/3 10MHz, 20V/us, +/-15V, 0.27mVos typ (G=1), 10ppm/degC
gain drift, 4.1mA Isupply,
MSOP10 instrumentation opamp, 1,2,4,8 and 1,2,5,10

TI TLC070/1/2/3 10MHz, 16V/us typ., 0.39mVos typ. (1.9mV max.),
channel, 16 Vsupply max., 8/10MSOP
(the datasheet claims 60uVos in the features,
1.5mV max. in the intro., then 0.39mVtyp/
1.9mVmax. in the specs.)

TI OPA2889, 115MHz, 250V/us, 460 ľA Iquiescent, 18 ľA when not in
use, +/5mV Vos,
2.6 to 12 Vsupply, ą1.3 to ą6 Vsupply, Vo/p swing
8 Vp-p, Io ą40 mA, SOIC-8 & MSOP-10, low power, however large Vos.



On Feb 25, 1:29 pm, (Bob Masta) wrote:
I'm looking for a low-voltage op-amp to be used as
a difference amp to provide DC coupling to a USB
sound card. So far, my quest has only turned up
rather s-l-o-o-w-w parts like the LT1013, LMV358,
TLV2472, TS914, etc. Typical slew rates are 0.4
V/us to 1 V/us, typical unity gain is 700 kHz to
2.8 MHz... about in the same speed league as the
old 741!

This will be a simple, classical difference amp,
unity gain overall. (So effectively x2 on the
non-inverting input.) I don't require true
rail-to-rail operation, but I'd like to get to
maybe half a volt, so I can swing +/- 2V about the
2.5V middle of a 5V supply.

For my immediate needs, any of those parts would
probably be fine, since at the moment I'm
interested in low-frequency measurements. But I'd
like to be able to use the whole frequency range
of the A/D, which can easily get to 20 kHz with a
48kHz sample rate, and much more for other models.

I'm not really looking for "audiophile" specs,
just something with more gain margin at the upper
end. (I'd be happy with a TL082 or
LF353-equivalent, but could run within a half volt
of the rails.)

Any recommendations?

Thanks, and best regards,

Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Sound Level Meter
FREE Signal Generator
Science with your sound card!

I keep a one-few line record of interesting parts as they arrive on
market for future reference. 48kHz x 100 (rule of thumb guide) desired bandwidth of the order of 5+MHz. Looking back some
possibilities include,

National Semiconductor LMP2021, LMP2022, 5 Mhz, 2.6V/us, zero drift,
11 nV/sqrtHz noise at a gain of 1,000 V/V
VOS 0.4 ľV, 0.004 ľV/°C of input offset voltage drift (TCVOS),
2.2-5.5 V, 1.1 mA/channel, -40°C to 125°C,
EMI hardened, 8-pin SOIC and 8-pin MSOP
Obviously exceptional DC performance and 5MHz BW, a rare
combination, plus low v.power & EMI hardening.
(Two other recent near zero Voffset amps are the low bandwidth
MAX4208/MAX4209H [750kHz], the TI INA333 [150 kHz].
Also the LTC6078 at 750kHz)

Linear Technology LTC6241/2 18MHz, 10V/us typ, 125uVos max.,
+/-5.5Vmax or +/-6Vmax, 2.4mA/amp, R2RO,
-40 -> 85degC.,
single, dual, DFN, SO8, SSOP16, LM6211 24V
20MHz SOT23-5 R2Routput lownoise
Good set of specs.

Linear Technology LTC6244 50MHz, 40V/us, 40uVos typ, 325uVos max,
6V or +/-5.25V (HV part),
4.8mA/channel, 8nVsqrtHz, R2R, dual-DFN-

National Semiconuctor LMV791/2 17MHz, 8.5V/us, lownoise, 0.1Vos typ
(+/-1.65Vos max.), 1.15/1.3mA, R2RO,
-40-125degC, TSOT23-6, MSOP-10,
LMV796/7 is similar

National Semiconductor LME49720, 55 MHz GBW, 20V/us, (THD+N) of
0.00003% (600-Ohm Ro), 0.1Vos typ,
2.7 nV/sqrt Hz,
Io 26mA, 10mA Isupply typ.

AD8250/1/3 10MHz, 20V/us, +/-15V, 0.27mVos typ (G=1), 10ppm/degC
gain drift, 4.1mA Isupply,
MSOP10 instrumentation opamp, 1,2,4,8 and 1,2,5,10

TI TLC070/1/2/3 10MHz, 16V/us typ., 0.39mVos typ. (1.9mV max.),
1.9mA/channel, 16 Vsupply max., 8/10MSOP
(the datasheet claims 60uVos in the features,
1.5mV max. in the intro., then 0.39mVtyp/
1.9mVmax. in the specs.)

TI OPA2889, 115MHz, 250V/us, 460 ľA Iquiescent, 18 ľA when not in
use, +/5mV Vos,
2.6 to 12 Vsupply, ą1.3 to ą6 Vsupply, Vo/p swing
8 Vp-p, Io ą40 mA, SOIC-8 & MSOP-10, low power, however large Vos.



On Feb 25, 1:29 pm, (Bob Masta) wrote:
I'm looking for a low-voltage op-amp to be used as
a difference amp to provide DC coupling to a USB
sound card. So far, my quest has only turned up
rather s-l-o-o-w-w parts like the LT1013, LMV358,
TLV2472, TS914, etc. Typical slew rates are 0.4
V/us to 1 V/us, typical unity gain is 700 kHz to
2.8 MHz... about in the same speed league as the
old 741!

This will be a simple, classical difference amp,
unity gain overall. (So effectively x2 on the
non-inverting input.) I don't require true
rail-to-rail operation, but I'd like to get to
maybe half a volt, so I can swing +/- 2V about the
2.5V middle of a 5V supply.

For my immediate needs, any of those parts would
probably be fine, since at the moment I'm
interested in low-frequency measurements. But I'd
like to be able to use the whole frequency range
of the A/D, which can easily get to 20 kHz with a
48kHz sample rate, and much more for other models.

I'm not really looking for "audiophile" specs,
just something with more gain margin at the upper
end. (I'd be happy with a TL082 or
LF353-equivalent, but could run within a half volt
of the rails.)

Any recommendations?

Thanks, and best regards,

Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Sound Level Meter
FREE Signal Generator
Science with your sound card!

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