Bob Masta
I'm looking for a low-voltage op-amp to be used as
a difference amp to provide DC coupling to a USB
sound card. So far, my quest has only turned up
rather s-l-o-o-w-w parts like the LT1013, LMV358,
TLV2472, TS914, etc. Typical slew rates are 0.4
V/us to 1 V/us, typical unity gain is 700 kHz to
2.8 MHz... about in the same speed league as the
old 741!
This will be a simple, classical difference amp,
unity gain overall. (So effectively x2 on the
non-inverting input.) I don't require true
rail-to-rail operation, but I'd like to get to
maybe half a volt, so I can swing +/- 2V about the
2.5V middle of a 5V supply.
For my immediate needs, any of those parts would
probably be fine, since at the moment I'm
interested in low-frequency measurements. But I'd
like to be able to use the whole frequency range
of the A/D, which can easily get to 20 kHz with a
48kHz sample rate, and much more for other models.
I'm not really looking for "audiophile" specs,
just something with more gain margin at the upper
end. (I'd be happy with a TL082 or
LF353-equivalent, but could run within a half volt
of the rails.)
Any recommendations?
Thanks, and best regards,
Bob Masta
Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Sound Level Meter
FREE Signal Generator
Science with your sound card!
a difference amp to provide DC coupling to a USB
sound card. So far, my quest has only turned up
rather s-l-o-o-w-w parts like the LT1013, LMV358,
TLV2472, TS914, etc. Typical slew rates are 0.4
V/us to 1 V/us, typical unity gain is 700 kHz to
2.8 MHz... about in the same speed league as the
old 741!
This will be a simple, classical difference amp,
unity gain overall. (So effectively x2 on the
non-inverting input.) I don't require true
rail-to-rail operation, but I'd like to get to
maybe half a volt, so I can swing +/- 2V about the
2.5V middle of a 5V supply.
For my immediate needs, any of those parts would
probably be fine, since at the moment I'm
interested in low-frequency measurements. But I'd
like to be able to use the whole frequency range
of the A/D, which can easily get to 20 kHz with a
48kHz sample rate, and much more for other models.
I'm not really looking for "audiophile" specs,
just something with more gain margin at the upper
end. (I'd be happy with a TL082 or
LF353-equivalent, but could run within a half volt
of the rails.)
Any recommendations?
Thanks, and best regards,
Bob Masta
Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Sound Level Meter
FREE Signal Generator
Science with your sound card!