John Larkin
I\'m using a TI integrated class-D audio amp in my alternator
simulator, a TPA3255, but it shuts down at 17 amps peak current and I
have a customer that may need more.
So I might want to make an amp out of four hunky mosfets and a
controller chip. The main supply is +48 volts.
Does anyone have driver chips that they like? Ideally, the input would
be baseband audio and it would drive the mosfets PWM. A controller
with separate hi/lo gate drivers is an option.
I\'m using a TI integrated class-D audio amp in my alternator
simulator, a TPA3255, but it shuts down at 17 amps peak current and I
have a customer that may need more.
So I might want to make an amp out of four hunky mosfets and a
controller chip. The main supply is +48 volts.
Does anyone have driver chips that they like? Ideally, the input would
be baseband audio and it would drive the mosfets PWM. A controller
with separate hi/lo gate drivers is an option.