attention Gareth (



Subject: Circuit design for a small airpump (230304)

Thanks for your google response on this. I am also a bit of a techno =
peasant, but I think I know what you mean although don't have a clue on =
the actual details. Are you able to send me a bit of a circuit =
description or even better a circuit diagram that a techno peasant might =
be able to understand. Any information you may be able to provide will =
be a help

peter wrote:
Subject: Circuit design for a small airpump (230304)

Thanks for your google response on this. I am also a bit of a techno =
peasant, but I think I know what you mean although don't have a clue on =
the actual details. Are you able to send me a bit of a circuit =
description or even better a circuit diagram that a techno peasant might =
be able to understand. Any information you may be able to provide will =
be a help

You mean a circuit to reverse the current in an electromagnet 50 times a
second? I don't have a circuit diagram to hand, but I will see if I can
find something in the next couple of days.

Have you found an air pump that will work from 12V or 24V AC or do you
still intend to rewire the electromagnet? Do you know what current you
need, and have you decided on 12V or 24V?

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