Otto Hunt
This is my first post to this group. Here goes!
I was fortunate to find verilog I2S code here: https://github.com/skristiansson/i2s
I converted this Verilog code to SystemVerilog. I got the transmit and receive files to compile in Quartus, but I cannot get the (converted) testbench to compile in ModelSim PE Altera edition. I also tried running it at EDA Playground here: http://www.edaplayground.com/x/Jz9 and got similar errors that were even more cryptic.
The error in ModelSim is:
-- Compiling module i2s_tb
** Error: C:/Users/Otto/Google Drive/engineering/verilog/I2S_xmit/I2S_xmit_rtl/i2s_tb.sv(3): near "parameter": syntax error, unexpected parameter, expecting ')'
This has got to be a simple error that I am just not seeing. I would appreciate if someone else would take a minute to (probably instantly) point out this error to me. Thanks.
I was fortunate to find verilog I2S code here: https://github.com/skristiansson/i2s
I converted this Verilog code to SystemVerilog. I got the transmit and receive files to compile in Quartus, but I cannot get the (converted) testbench to compile in ModelSim PE Altera edition. I also tried running it at EDA Playground here: http://www.edaplayground.com/x/Jz9 and got similar errors that were even more cryptic.
The error in ModelSim is:
-- Compiling module i2s_tb
** Error: C:/Users/Otto/Google Drive/engineering/verilog/I2S_xmit/I2S_xmit_rtl/i2s_tb.sv(3): near "parameter": syntax error, unexpected parameter, expecting ')'
This has got to be a simple error that I am just not seeing. I would appreciate if someone else would take a minute to (probably instantly) point out this error to me. Thanks.